SCANDAL: Senate "deal" would have allowed 1.5 million illegals to invade America annually while providing $2.3B to NGO traffickers, $60B more to Ukraine & $14.1B to protect Israel's borders
By ethanh // 2024-02-07
The United States Senate has come up with a bipartisan political agreement that will allow the Republican-majority House to continue shoveling cash, weapons and support at Israel in exchange for allowing 1.5 million new illegal aliens to enter the U.S. every single year, as well as funneling $2.3 billion at the various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that traffic them. In addition to all that, the Senate will also send $60 billion more in U.S. taxpayer dollars to the regime of Volodymyr Zelensky in Ukraine – because why not? – as well as $14.1 billion in new "security assistance" funding to Israel, which continues to ruthlessly mow down Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip. Green card giveaways will also continue until the year 2030, under the new bill. (Related: Many of the same conservative politicians who have been complaining about social media censorship of Republican views are now demanding more Big Tech censorship to silence people who are critical of Israel's war on Gaza.)

U.S. politicians love Israel, despise America

The politicians credited with reaching the bipartisan agreement include Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.), whose own state legislature recently censured him for proposing an atrocious border deal, as well as Sens. Chris Murphy (D-Ct.) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.). As we recently reported, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) played an instrumental role in forging a deal with the Biden administration to allow 5,000 new illegal aliens to enter the U.S. every single day in exchange for the regime's support for McConnell and other RINOs' call for more U.S. taxpayer money to be sent to Ukraine and Israel. President Biden has repeatedly stated that he will never close America's southern border unless more money continues to flow to Ukraine and Israel, even though Biden, if he wanted to, could secure America with the simple stroke of a pen. Republicans and Democrats alike are bargaining away America's sovereignty and fighting amongst themselves to fund their pork, in essence. The American people and their hard-earned income, meanwhile, are little more than collateral damage in all of this political corruption. The D.C. establishment also wants another $2.33 billion in U.S. taxpayer dollars to go towards "Refugee and Entrant Assistance," which provides that: "Amounts made available under this heading in this Act may be used for grants or contracts with qualified organizations, including nonprofit entities, to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services." Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) took to X to warn her followers that any Republican who votes for this monstrosity of a bill "will betray the American people." "Billions for humanitarian assistance, military support, research and development, and who knows what else – for UKRAINE," Luna added in a statement. "This bill reads like it was drafted in Kiev." "It's a massive issue that a border bill for AMERICA is more about funding the wars of foreign countries rather than our own interests and people. The so-called border security provisions codify amnesty and would force future presidents to allow illegals across our border." "Every sponsor of this bill should be arrested and put on trial," added author and nationally syndicated host Jesse Kelly of the "Jesse Kelly Show." "There have to be 41 Republican Senators who will say NO to this monstrosity," said Florida congressman Byron Donalds, a Republican. American's greatest enemies are not overseas; they're right here in Washington, D.C. Find out more at Sources for this article include: