VIDEO: "Bisexual" NYC judge recuses herself from custody case after trying to hook up with mom on "swingers' app"…
By newseditors // 2024-02-07
If you’re looking for more evidence that our justice system has turned into one big carnival sideshow, this story out of New York City should do it. A bisexual Bronx family court judge had to step down from a custody battle after being accused by a mother of attempting to connect with her on a creepy swinger’s app. It’s clear our courts are not only overrun with radical “activist judges,” but also immoral freaks pursuing “hookups” with random defendants. So much for impartiality, right? Let freedom ring, indeed, but don’t hold your breath waiting for a fair trial in a liberal cesspool like New York, because you won’t get it. Take the case of Douglass Mackey, convicted in an NYC courtroom for “conspiracy” because he shared an anti-Hillary meme online eight years ago. It’s yet another shameful example of how lost our justice system has become, in every sense of the word. (Article republished from Daily Caller:
A Bronx family court judge is being accused of making advances on a swinger’s app toward a mother involved in a case she’s hearing, the New York Post reported. Family Court Judge Cynthia Lopez has stepped down following allegations from a mother involved in a child custody dispute Monday, the outlet reported. The mother, Sidney Southerland, accused Judge Lopez of messaging her via a swinger’s app, according to the outlet. The accusation was made public by Southerland through a TikTok video, which was also shared on X (formerly known as Twitter.) It quickly attracted attention and prompted an investigation by city and state judicial authorities, the New York Post noted. The controversy began when Southerland reportedly received a message from a user named “Cynthia” on 3Fun, a platform known for connecting individuals interested in non-traditional sexual arrangements. Southerland, using her actual photo but under the pseudonym “Chyna” on the app, was reportedly taken aback by the advance, especially given the timing close to her upcoming court date.
Watch: Collin Rugg, the co-founder of Trending Politics, had this to say about the disturbing case on X:
This is insane. A Bronx family court judge allegedly tried hooking up on a swinger app with a mom whose custody case she was hearing. 47-year-old Judge Cynthia Lopez reached out to Sydney Southerland on the 3Fun app. Southerland, who’s trying to get her kids back, shot back and said: “B*tch, you know who the f**k I am.” The public profile claims Lopez is bis*xual and has a male partner named ‘Ant.’ “We love thick girls just as much as we love petite girls! At the end of the day it’s all about personality. Guys at the most should be stocky and I the female, prefer males to be somewhat endowed,” the profile read. “POV: you’re currently going to family court and the judge who acts like she hates you, inboxes you on a swingers dating app… a week before the next court date,” Southerland said on TikTok. Lopez has since announced her recusal from the case. The lovely ‘justice’ system for you.
This story might seem too bizarre to be true, but given the current state of affairs in our “clown country,” it’s entirely believable. Our country has morphed into something resembling a circus, where so-called “experts” and leaders have become the punchline. They misuse their power and authority, pushing personal agendas, perverted lifestyles, and political ideologies under the guise of governance. This is the pathetic reality we’re facing in Joe Biden’s America, a place with no moral compass and zero justice. Read more at: