DHS using taxpayer money to fund propaganda that vilifies conservatives
By bellecarter // 2024-02-12
President Joe Biden's left-leaning government has been supporting programs that "antagonize" conservatives. Worse, the administration funds these projects using money from the taxpayers' pockets. Morgan Zegers, founder and CEO of Young Americans Against Socialism, wrote on the non-profit Turning Point (TP) USA's website that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently awarded an activist organization $700,000 in taxpayer funds to create what it calls "counter-propaganda." Said grant was awarded to the University of Rhode Island's (URI) Media Education Lab through the "Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) Grant Program," which funds organizations working to prevent "targeted violence and terrorism." As per URI's Media Education Lab, it would create "counter-propaganda" to address "propaganda and misinformation concerning topics including immigration, racial justice, the coronavirus and vaccination" and "build on top of concerns about so-called 'fake news' and 'cancel culture.'" Reportedly, the media lab paid individuals $250 each to write blog posts regarding "misinformation, disinformation," and "media literacy." Their writeups reportedly teach readers how to "discern" which are supposedly reputable news sources. In May 2023, a shocking report showed how TVTP awarded 80 grants amounting to $39,611,999 to various nonprofit organizations and universities. One of them worked to belittle conservative groups. According to TPUSA, the University of Dayton received $352,109 to create the "PREVENTS-OH" program, which, among other initiatives, hosts regular seminars to "advance the liberal operative agenda and to train audience members to participate in illicit actions meant to destabilize political movements." The grant application contained a graphic comparing TPUSA and other mainstream conservative organizations to extremist groups like the Base, described by Fox News as a "neo-Nazi paramilitary group," and the Daily Stormer, "a pro-Nazi publication." On Twitter, U.S. Senator for Missouri Josh Hawley shared the letter he wrote to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas confronting the latter of the said "counter-propaganda" campaign under the guise of "educating" people and media literacy. "Your department has consistently weaponized the federal government to attack conservatives using taxpayer dollars," Hawley said in the letter. "First by colluding with private social media companies to censor conservative viewpoints and now by funding private actors to create affirmative propaganda to 'counter' conservatives." Hawley straightforwardly criticized DHS for the "outrageous use of federal funds and abuse of power," adding that the money should be clawed back immediately and that anyone involved in this scheme should be fired. He pointed out that the money was used to further Biden's political agenda. "Such an allegation would have been inconceivable four years ago. But you have consistently weaponized the department against conservatives through the creation of the Disinformation Governance Board and so-called Homeland Intelligence Experts Group," he added, naming John Brennan, James Clapper and the others who tried to cover up Hunter Biden's "laptop from Hell" story. Hawley also mentioned DHS' involvement in the Missouri v. Biden case, where it colluded with Big Tech to censor views on social media. He also asked DHS to provide some information by the end of January that includes: the number of grants that the department approved to private entities to create propaganda, names of those who participated in approving the grant and other similar entities that have received funding under the TVTP. Meanwhile, journalist Luke Rosiak also found that the grant was also used to "pay people to write blogs attacking former President Donald Trump." "We are all living in a darker, scarier, angrier, less hopeful country thanks to Mr. Trump's influence. Are we on the verge of civil war?" one post said, adding that Trump "was able to crawl into the safety of First Amendment protections."

Hawley wants to end DHS' liberal propaganda

On Jan. 22, following his open letter to Mayorkas, Hawley introduced a new legislation titled "Ending DHS Funding for Liberal Propaganda Act." The said bill will prevent the DHS from awarding grant funds to organizations that promote discrimination against conservative points of view. According to the act, it will stop DHS grant funding from being shipped to entities that will use the funds for viewpoint discrimination, particularly against conservatives. It will also ensure that taxpayer dollars will not flow to programs that engage in partisan political advocacy or discriminate based on political affiliation. Also, it will bar DHS from distributing grants to entities that will use the funds to counter political narratives or views on issues such as the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), immigration and crime. (Related: DHS Secretary Mayorkas: Biden administration releasing over 85% of illegal immigrants directly into America.) Visit Propaganda.news to read more stories on how the Biden regime uses its power to promote leftist ideologies.

Sources for this article include:

HumanEvents.com TPUSA.com Hawley.Senate.gov