Western special forces are UNOFFICIALLY in Ukraine to fight Russia as WWIII looms
By ethanh // 2024-02-29
Despite all the rhetoric suggesting that Western special forces are not currently on the ground in Ukraine but soon could be, reports indicate that said special forces are already there fighting on behalf of the Ukrainian regime against Russia. Russia confirmed this, reporting numerous strikes against what it described as "foreign mercenaries" fighting in Ukraine. Just last month, Russia's Defense Ministry announced that it had successfully killed more than 60 foreign fighters in a missile strike – and the majority of them, Russia said, spoke French. This runs contrary to statements more recently made by French President Emmanuel Macron, who told the media that there are no French forces currently in Ukraine but that there soon could be, maybe. According to Macron, there was "no consensus" at a recent meeting of European leaders in Paris about whether "to send, in an official manner, troops on the ground – but in terms of dynamics, we cannot exclude anything." Macron emphasized that he is willing to stop at nothing to try to prevent Russia from winning against Ukraine, which apparently includes lying about the fact that French special forces are already being funneled into the meat grinder in secret. (Related: If Israel proceeds with committing mass genocide in Rafah, the United Kingdom is threatening to slap Israel on the wrist with possible arms sales restrictions.)

Poking the bear in secret

It should also be noted that Russia's claims about killing Western special forces in recent missile attacks were confirmed by Ukraine itself, which said two of the dead and three of the wounded were French "volunteers." France continues to deny that it currently has any troops on the ground in Ukraine, though its defense minister reluctantly admitted that some French nationals are fighting in Kiev's army, once again using the term "volunteer" to describe them. There is also evidence to suggest that special force operatives from Great Britain and the United States are also fighting on the side of Kiev in Ukraine, this according to classified Pentagon documents that were leaked late last year. Though it did not directly confirm that the information in the leaked files is true, Washington did indicate that it will conduct a probe into who might have had access to them in the first place to create the leak. Back in late 2022, a British military publication admitted that more than 300 Royal Marines had been involved in "discreet operations in a hugely sensitive environment and with a high level of political and military risk" in Ukraine, further suggesting that Western forces are covertly fighting alongside Ukraine while claiming not to be doing such a thing. According to Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, more than 5,800 foreign mercenaries, as of this past December, have been killed in the Russia-Ukraine conflict since the start of the special military operation in February 2022. Most of them hail from Poland, the U.S. and the UK, he said. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has since made it clear that any official act of sending NATO troops to Ukraine to fight against the Russian army will result in an "inevitable" direct clash between the U.S.-led bloc and Moscow, this probably leading to World War III. "Russia is doing an excellent job of destroying NATO hardware in Ukraine," noted a reader at RT about how the U.S. and its allies are failing to stop Russia. "Russia will be prepared for the upcoming overt direct fight inside Poland, Lithuania, Estonia and Moldova." "Zelensky ran out of soldiers, so now he is training ages between 12 and 18 while sex trafficking Ukrainian women," another alleged. "NATO is toast," said another. "They can't win on the battlefield against a top tier opponent." More related news coverage can be found at WWIII.news. Sources for this article include: RT.com NaturalNews.com