Farsam Shadab discusses trends in ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE and transhumanism in new interview with Mike Adams
By kevinhughes // 2024-03-04
HoloSpace creator Farsam Shadab joined the Health Ranger Mike Adams in a live interview to discuss trends in artificial intelligence (AI) and transhumanism. According to Adams, human cognition being replaced with machine cognition is already happening – with more and more people using AI systems that come with natural language processing. But an article written by an AI tool is not the same as an article written by a person. He warned, however, that this that this distinction is being blurred and lost in the minds of people who are going to grow up with these tools. The Health Ranger also lamented that these people are going to live in a world where they will never develop their skills in mathematics and writing. "This is frightening to me – that humans are going to become completely dissociated from the skills of navigating reality," he remarked. Moreover, Adams pointed out that a lot of AI chatbots have already been positioned as romantic companions for people. He added that some of these romantic AIs have already influenced or controlled their human lovers. (Related: Ads for AI GIRLFRIENDS flooding social media platforms.) The Health Ranger continued that AI can replace about 50 percent of office jobs and that blue-collar workers will soon be replaced by humanoid robots. He ultimately stressed that people need to grasp AI technology and use it to empower themselves instead of allowing it to enslave them. Meanwhile, Shadab said humans can build the technological infrastructures to go with the education that equips people with the knowledge and skills they need. These tools are incredible stepping stones to a better world and future, he remarked, so people have to design them right. Shadab also lauded automation, but stressed that it must be done voluntarily and scaled according to the culture, cities and communities it is deployed in. "They get to choose how that automation is implemented. It's not going to be a global transnational corporation that gets to decide that an entire workforce in some city or county has suddenly been laid off because they have been able to create robots to do what they do," he told Adams.

"Agents" comparable to micro-AIs soon to rise

According to Shadab, Sam Altman's OpenAI plans to pivot to the use of an agent – an automated workflow that is going to have a specific task or automation. These agents comparable to micro-AIs, he continued, will see many applications in banking, email and travel among others. Shadab – the founder of Enaxion, InterEnactive and Integral Commons – also predicted that moving into the 2030s, people are going to have new business models around agents for every area of their lives. In turn, Adams cited one example of such agents: Amazon's Q agents. He warned that these agents will have access to everything in the name of convenience, but at the cost of privacy. The tech evangelist agreed, citing a white paper released by Apple during the launch of its Vision Pro headset. He remarked that Apple promoting its Vision Pro as all about privacy is laughable. In fact, the headset has all kinds of backdoors that make it vulnerable to cyberattacks. According to Shadab, it will take creatives, engineers and liberty-oriented individuals to create tools and platforms that will allow people to maintain their sovereignty within their information spheres. He added that as of writing, a group tied to Silicon Valley has control of these spheres. "Don't go competing against the existing paradigm; you're going to cancel your energy out. Simply render it obsolete through new acts of creation," he said, quoting futurist Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983). "That's my call to everyone who we work with, and to anyone – reach out to us, reach out to me. Basically, finding your sphere and your empowerment is in the fact that you're able to create a tool right now that will stand the test of time and participate in this new ecosystem." Head over to Transhumanism.news for more stories like this. Watch the full conversation between Farsam Shadab and the Health Ranger Mike Adams below.
This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon.com.

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