Beck, who has a classified security clearance, used the fake name Aiden Grey in the meetings with O’Keefe, who was disguised. The office Beck works in oversees the Department of Defense and works as the principal defense policy maker and advisor to the president. Beck questioned "why not just have an open border?" and said, "tear down the wall." Beck said the recent "immigration bill fiasco" was "almost unbelievable," saying that it’s "really racist." Beck added that border security "doesn't mean anything. It's just like, throwing money and people at a problem that doesn't really exist." Beck later added, "The only crisis is one that we've created. It's a humanitarian crisis, but it's not a security crisis." "There's no Taliban coming in through Mexico like that's, they just make that stuff out of whole cloth. Like when has a terrorist ever come in?" Beck believed that the US should be "mobilizing the national guard" to confiscate people’s guns and that there should be a "monopoly on state violence," which was described as, "we [the government] are the only ones with guns." Beck also told O’Keefe that "we need to pack the Supreme Court," ban the US Senate, and abolish the Electoral College. Beck also told O'Keefe that Beck underwent "bottom surgery," with O'Keefe stating in an X Space before the video was released that "he's saying that he cut off his private parts and turned it into female parts." Beck also spoke on the backlash to DEI matters introduced into the military, stating "Since we're personnel and readiness, they've been taking aim at us a lot lately. They don't like diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives the DEI stuff. This is a breaking story, please refresh the page for updates. Read more at: ThePostMillennial.comBREAKING INSIDE THE PENTAGON: Associate Director in the Office of the Secretary of Defense says, “Why not just have an open border?” “Tear down the wall.”
“I think we should repeal the Second Amendment and take the guns all away!” says Jason Beck, who has a classified security… — James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) March 13, 2024
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