Florida about to be invaded by 300,000 Haitian migrants, warn observers
By ethanh // 2024-03-20
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) does not want migrants from Haiti in southeast Florida. He said as much in a statement this week, expressing that he does not want his little enclave of the Sunshine State turning into "Haiti." "I am calling on Joe Biden to do the right thing and declare an anticipated state of mass migration over water," Gaetz said. "That way we could get naval vessels in the Florida straits to deter the thousands of incoming Haitians before they invade the United States." Last we heard, some 300,000 Haitian migrants, machetes in hand, have already gotten the green light to set sail for Florida, to which Gov. Ron DeSantis is responding by sending a fleet of air-to-sea vessels as a deterrent. Violence in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince has reached a fever pitch with roving gangs now controlling 80 percent of the city, along with large swaths of the countryside. Tens of thousands of people have been driven from their homes by these gangs, which are attempting to take over following the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry. The United States government and several other countries have also evacuated their non-essential embassy personnel. "No state has done more to supplement the (under-resourced) U.S. Coast Guard's interdiction efforts," bragged DeSantis in a statement. "We cannot have illegal aliens coming to Florida." (Related: Down in Panama where there is also a migrant problem, Doctors Without Borders was kicked out after officials learned about corruption at the NGO's tents.)

U.S. giving $150 million in aid to cannibal gangs

For some reason, the Biden regime is still sending aid to Haiti, some $150 million worth, even though the country is falling into anarchy at the hands of violent gangs, some of which have members in them who are cannibals. We are also told that intelligence sources have ordered the U.S. Coast Guard to allow the illegal migrants headed towards Florida to enter the state unrestricted, which means that in addition to what is happening in Eagle Pass, Tex., we now have at least two separate invasions taking place in America as of now. "The good news is that there is an active Homeland Security task force at work in the Florida Straits," one commenter noted. "Like my boss, CDR Smith, told me one day: 'sometimes the only functioning government in Haiti is the Coast Guard.' It appears he was right." After a certain point, the migrants will outnumber the natives – then what? Learn more at InvasionUSA.news. Sources for this article include: Revolver.news NaturalNews.com