Macron, who already has no credibility, warns a Russian victory "will reduce Europe's credibility to ZERO"
By richardbrown // 2024-03-20
French President Emmanuel Macron has warned that a Russian victory in Ukraine will reduce Europe's credibility to zero. Speaking on French television to clarify his stance on supporting Ukraine, Macron addressed concerns raised by European leaders last month regarding his remarks suggesting the potential deployment of Western ground troops. While ground forces are not currently under consideration, Macron said Europe must keep all options open in case the conflict escalates. He stressed that any decision to deploy troops would be in response to Moscow's actions, as France is not inclined to initiate an offensive into Ukraine. (Related: Russia destroys Ukrainian Patriot air defense missile launchers.) However, he emphasized the importance of maintaining strength in the face of aggression, asserting that weakness must not be tolerated for the sake of peace. Expressing grave concerns about the implications of a Russian victory, Macron highlighted the existential threat posed by the conflict to Europe and France. He warned that Moldova, Romania and Poland could face immediate threats if Ukraine were to lose the war, with dire consequences for the entire continent. Macron criticized those advocating for limits on support to Ukraine, arguing that such constraints only lead to defeat. He emphasized the need for unwavering solidarity with Ukraine and denounced any suggestion of capitulation. While Macron acknowledged the necessity of future negotiations for peace, he made it clear that peace does not equate to surrendering Ukraine's sovereignty. He referenced Winston Churchill's famous phrase about the "sinews of peace," emphasizing the need for resilience and determination in the face of aggression. Regarding France's stance on the conflict, Macron affirmed that all options are on the table to support Ukraine. He assured that France would be prepared to prevent a Russian victory should the situation deteriorate further, but reiterated that France would not initiate offensive actions. Macron's comments come amidst discussions with European leaders, including German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, aimed at coordinating a unified response to the crisis. While Macron's remarks sparked debate and criticism, French officials sought to clarify the government's position, emphasizing the importance of sending a strong message to Russia.

What could happen if Russia wins

Could a "battered yet triumphant" Russian military soon pose a significant threat to NATO's borders, marking a pivotal shift in global security dynamics? This scenario is not far-fetched, according to a prominent think tank, which warns of potential repercussions if the United States and Europe were to curtail military aid to Ukraine. The Institute for the Study of War (ISW), headquartered in Washington DC, has explored the potential ramifications of reduced aid to Ukraine. In their recent report titled "The High Price of Losing Ukraine," ISW analysts paint a concerning picture. They suggest that without robust Western assistance, a Russian conquest of Ukraine could become a tangible possibility. Highlighting the significant stake the U.S. holds in the conflict, the report warns of dire consequences if military support were withdrawn. It notes that Ukraine, with Western backing, has inflicted substantial damage on the Russian army since the invasion in February 2022. However, Russia has swiftly replenished its forces and is bolstering its industrial capacity to replace material losses. Should Russia emerge victorious in the Ukraine war, the ISW predicts a battle-hardened and enlarged Russian military. With a gradually recovering economy and strengthened military capabilities, Russia could pose a substantial conventional threat to NATO. Moreover, the deployment of advanced air defense systems could complicate matters further, potentially undermining NATO's deterrence efforts against other adversaries like China. As Western nations grapple with internal political dynamics and wavering commitments, the prospect of a resurgent Russian military looms large, posing unprecedented challenges to regional and global security. Russia is ready for a nuclear war. Watch this report. This video is from the Vampire Slayer channel on

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