"AIPAC is evil. AIPAC is evil -- evil!" Kasparian ranted. "My fellow Americans, Are you okay with that? Are you okay with a lobbying group representing the best interests of a foreign government telling you [that] you need to bust your ass every day, work a job that you likely hate, and have a portion of your earnings taken from you by our federal government and funneled to the Israeli government so they can commit atrocities in the Gaza Strip?" "Are you okay with that? Because I'm not okay with that," she continued. "And nothing gets under my skin more okay than hearing these pieces of crap say things that make it clear that they're they feel entitled to our money. Entitled -- entitled! That gets under my skin more than you guys understand!" Full segment: Imagine the chutzpah you have to have to demand Americans fund and arm your genocide campaign, shut down the number one social media site in the country to silence your critics and pass laws to make it illegal to criticize you. Imagine then accusing anyone who pushes back against your agenda of being an "anti-Semite" who hates you for no reason. Their atrocity propaganda and lies are quite simply not working, as these ratios for the ages from Jake Shields make abundantly clear:GO OFF ANA! TALK YOUR SHIT QUEEN! pic.twitter.com/Iy04MV9ETj
— Jon Miller (@MillerStream) March 16, 2024
As a lifelong supporter of Israel, it has become clear to me:
The Netanyahu coalition no longer fits the needs of Israel after October 7. The world has changed radically since then, and the Israeli people are being stifled right now by a governing vision stuck in the past. pic.twitter.com/jvjm6o0JPA — Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) March 14, 2024
72% of Israelis support the idea of withholding aid to the starving population of Gaza. The Israeli govt policy of using starvation as a weapon of war has broad public support. https://t.co/RW4GCGtQS1
— Khaled Elgindy (@elgindy_) March 8, 2024
Schumer clearly got orders to try and distance American Jews from Israel ahead of Netanyahu's approved ground invasion of Rafah which is likely going to dramatically escalate their genocidal ethnic cleansing campaign. AIPAC didn't even bother to criticize Schumer over his comments (why would they?) and he went to their conference this week. Politico reported in so many words on Friday that it's all for show:"We still have not revenged in a biblical way…we did not burn Gaza to ashes immediately. Create a tremendous humanity crisis. Level the entire area. Do not leave a stone upon stone in Gaza. Gaza needs to turn to Dresden. Annihilate Gaza now!"#Israeli politician Moshe Feiglin pic.twitter.com/SwC8zYMw6a
— Quds News Network (@QudsNen) October 26, 2023
"My decades long relationship with AIPAC goes beyond any one president and any one Prime Minister," Schumer said in a statement to POLITICO. "We both share a deeply rooted love for Israel and the common goal to preserving the bipartisan support for Israel. We will continue to work together to strengthen and support the U.S.-Israel bond." One former Schumer aide, granted anonymity to speak freely about an old boss, said Schumer's remarks appeared to be marketed toward "domestic consumption, [rather] than international consumption." The speech seemed political, given the level of concern about Israel's actions within his caucus, the former staffer said. Democrats are under increasing pressure from their base to push back on the Israeli government, whose bombardment of Gaza has killed more than 30,000 Palestinians. Hundreds of thousands of Democrats voted "uncommitted" in primary contests across the country in recent weeks as a rebuke to President Joe Biden's handling of the Israel-Hamas war. "[AIPAC] recognizes that Schumer has a left flank problem just like the Israel lobby has a left flank problem," said one Democratic consultant who works with major Jewish donors, granted anonymity to discuss the issue candidly. "You stick with the guy who's always been with you, but you also let him have the breathing room to say what he needs to say if it helps him with his left flank." [...] AIPAC is also sophisticated enough to know that its relationships with Democratic leadership depends on whether those leaders can maintain the support of voters, said one former Democratic Senate aide who has worked with AIPAC. Schumer's relationship with AIPAC has always been "strong, resolute, frank and open," the person added. "They understand bare-knuckle politics and how it works," the person said. "True career-long relationships are not done away with, with one statement, one vote, or one policy position."Zionists have lost the American public and alienated the entire world. Read more at: InformationLiberation.com
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