The Fortune 500 companies are doing horrible, laying off, yet the stocks are all doing well (for now). Think of every stock like an NFT. Tesla is the board apes yacht club, and dollar rent a car is like toenail clowns—The community of believers has replaced fundamentals—for now.It is the movements of the lemming masses that drive price. So, momentum piles in based on overriding and often exuberant sentiment. Humans can be annoying for how easily they forget something like how things looked in early 2007 when the masses were still all fired-up in the community of belief about real estate rising forever just before the Great Financial Crisis; but then came all years that followed, which damaged the US economy forever. The economy has never been stable since then. It has always required massive Fed stimulus ever since the first round of major Fed interference to keep pumping hot air into the balloon-sized bubbles the Fed was inflation in order to “save the economy.” Every time Fed support has been withdrawn, the economy and markets and even banks have failed. The main thing we really need to save the economy from is the Fed, itself, with its endless interference, which has turned markets into pure casinos. Then we need to fix the underlying flaws in the economy and market system that we refuse to deal with, such as the thing we should have avoided most—bailing out bad banksters. That only allows the perps to perpetuate their crimes and their greed, while all of us provide financial backstops to make sure they become even bigger. We need to jail those who willfully and negligently break their banks or hedge funds, as Obama and the establishment chose not to do in 2009; and we need to seize ALL of their personal possessions to help repay those they damaged. To do this, we also need to overhaul corporate laws to make certain there is NO way ANYONE can use incorporation to shield their wealth from court judgements in the case of legal wrongdoing. Read more at:
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