Ridiculous article in The Independent warns that climate change is threatening the incomes of trans prostitutes in Indonesia
By isabelle // 2024-04-10
Just when you thought climate change alarmists couldn’t get any more ridiculous, The Independent in the UK (via Reuters) is now warning that climate change is “hitting vulnerable Indonesian trans sex workers.” While it’s nice to see the climate change crowd taking a break from their misguided attempts to demonize carbon, this would actually be funny if it weren’t so pathetic. There are many major issues facing the world today, but the income of trans sex workers in Indonesia doesn’t quite rank in anyone’s top 10 or even 100. Nevertheless, the paper earnestly explains how a 43-year-old Indonesian trans woman has been seeing her sex work income suffer for at least a decade in response to changing weather patterns. With the rainy season now lasting a longer time than usual in the West Java province and bringing strong winds with it, she is taking a hit of as much as 80 percent of her earnings. You might think that farmers would feel the biggest impact from any variations in weather, but the article insists that it’s actually trans sex workers who are suffering the most as they are unable to solicit clients outside in bad weather. “Trans women like Patiha are among the most affected by extreme weather linked to climate change, as well as suffering disproportionately when disasters strike,” it notes. It almost sounds like a belated April Fool’s article or output from a super-woke AI, with all the buzzwords and careful language used to describe the situation and make it seem far more urgent and compelling than it actually is. The article goes on to point out that this is worse for trans women than other types of sex workers, including trans men sex workers: “Indonesia is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, and trans women, who tend to face more stigma and marginalisation than trans men or other LGBTQ+ Indonesians, are also among those hardest hit by extreme weather.”

Researchers want government to consider how climate affects trans people

There is even a researcher who focuses on how climate change affects transgender Indonesians, Arif Budi Darmawan, who claims that while the Indonesian government has plans for managing the impacts of climate change, they fail to consider how it affects trans people. “Women, the elderly and people with disabilities are mentioned, but there is no provision for sexual and gender minorities,” he said. Indonesia is one of the rainiest places on the planet and is known for its brutal monsoon seasons. In the worst cases, homes are destroyed and people die, but the slowdown in business for transgender prostitutes is somehow the big headline here? It’s not just Indonesia where this is a concern; the Center for American Progress published a Pride Month piece on the topic entitled “How environmental and climate injustice affects the LGBTQI+ community.” It explained that among those aged 18 to 25, LGBT people have a 2.2 times higher risk of homelessness than those who are not LGBT. This, in turn, makes them more vulnerable to extreme weather events. Moreover, discrimination in shelters makes it harder for them to seek support. Therefore, they insist that the U.S. needs to "commit to achieving a just climate and environment for all." Those who stand to benefit from pushing the climate change narrative are showing just how little they really have to work with here. If the planet was really in as much danger as they want us to believe, there would be no need to invoke the social justice causes du jour in their propaganda. This is just further proof of how impressively skilled this crowd is when it comes to finding new victims to rally around in hopes of lining their pockets and furthering their objectives. Sources for this article include: ClimateDepot.com Independent.co.uk AmericanProgress.org