Scotland’s new ‘hate speech’ law expresses the ruling elites’ contempt for ordinary people
By newseditors // 2024-04-10
Every attempt at speech laws is a means of criminalizing critics of government. There is no other reason to police speech. Our role in this system is to listen and to obey. To reply carries a risk of imprisonment.
(Article by Frank Wright republished from
The hatred of the common people by the ruling elite was once again demonstrated on All Fools’ Day. This was the day on which the Scottish Parliament’s Hate Crime and Public Order Act came into force, providing for the prosecution of anyone, anywhere, for saying anything online, ever. If you are in Scotland, it includes things said in your own home. Children will be able to report their parents.
It is vaguely defined and enjoys a borderless reach into the recorded conversations of ordinary people worldwide.
Curiously, it claims to abolish the criminal offence of blasphemy. In fact, it replaces blasphemy against God with that against the mad cult of the Liberals – whose leadership is the real protected group here. There is scant protection for the profession of Christianity. This should be no surprise.
The Scottish, known affectionately as “The Scotch” by AJP Taylor, have their own Parliament now. It is ruled by the SNP, a nominally nationalist party dedicated to the deranged cult of progress.
In this act the SNP seeks to scotch ugly rumors about itself. If you have posted something to which the commissars of correctness object, then wherever you are in the world, you too may be branded a “hate monster.”
This is the childish cartoon which Police Scotland used to promote their brand of caring censorship.
It warns that white working class Scots are the most likely to be seized by the “hate monster.” So the enemy again is the native population.
The Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf provides a sterling example of the common sense called “racism.” His frequent tirades against white people in his tinpot “parliament” are a reminder as to why no one wishes to be governed by resentful foreigners who hate them. He says that critics of what the Scottish Heraldcalled in 2020 his “wokey horror picture show” are simply racists.
Independent journalist Michael Shellenberger has tried to purse this sow’s ear in disclaiming the accusation of “racism.” Writing on the “scary” Scottish hate speech law, he argues that Yousaf’s tenure as the first minister of Scotland proves that the Scots are “not racist.”
In reality, it proves how political leadership is installed regardless of, and often against, the popular interest. Racism is a concept leveraged to silence discontent. The hostility of the political class to life is not limited by race.
Well #Humza you’re not more Scottish than me. You’re not a Celt like me. You’re not working-class like me. You didn’t go to a state school like me. You’re not more socialist than me. So stop pretending. You’re a poseur.
For pointing out these facts – to the leader of the “Scottish Nationalist Party” – George Galloway has been denounced as a racist, by people who insist that Humza Yousaf is in fact “more Scottish” than him.
This is further complicated by the fact that the law itself may be, as the Scotch say, “a wee bit” racist itself. As Lucy Blackburn wrote for the Spectator on March 24:
According to Police Scotland, the people most likely to commit hate crimes are young men with ‘deep-rooted feelings of being socially and economically disadvantaged, combined with ideas about white-male entitlement.’
Who might these hatemongers be? Blackburn explains, “It sounds like a long-winded way of saying ‘white working-class.’”
Accusations of racism here conceal a genuine prejudice – of the government against the governed.
The method in the madness
Like antisemitism and transphobia, racism is used when you accuse a protected group of what they are doing. To ask that Israel stop killing civilians and calling it a war is antisemitic. To notice that Humza is not, as George Galloway put it, “more Scottish” than him is racist. To point out that “transwomen” never want to read stories to the elderly is hate.
The author of the Harry Potter books, J.K. Rowling, demanded that the Scottish police arrest her for her speech. Having composed tweets directly challenging the new law, being a refusal to accept that men who describe themselves as women are female, the Scottish police declined her invitation to make her a cause célèbre of the absurdity of their law.
It is not in fact absurd, as its function is not to protect the groups it names. It is a means of silencing ordinary people who lack the armor of celebrity. The group hate speech laws seek to protect is the rulers – from the ruled.
Yousaf makes no secret of his contempt for the people he is supposed to govern. This, too, is common in liberal democracies whose leadership cadre make no attempt to convince or persuade anyone of anything anymore. They simply tell you. And what they usually tell you is that you are wrong, for noticing that they are not right.
Laws against the truth
Every reason supplied for this rule of popular contempt is a lie. Whether the case is for the appointment of hostile strangers to political office, or to compel you to ruin your life for the planet, or even end it, the real reason is simple. These people hate you.
They hate your God, your freedom, your opinions, your culture, you, and your children. Everything they call right is wrong. They are careful to frame themselves as the “good guys,” labeling anyone who disagrees as an extremist. When people reported Yousaf for his own racist remarks about white people, he had them investigated by the police for hate speech.
If you support the future of farming, you are an extremist. Want to feed your children? Perhaps you want to keep them away from exhibitionist sexual perverts? You sound a lot like Hitler.
If this sounds too much, then consider that a respected medical scientist warned people from taking vitamin D because the Nazis did that.
Dr. Michael Nehls, a specialist in Alzheimer’s’ disease, says this in his book The Indoctrinated Brain. He says vitamin D is the “game-changer” in combating neurodegenerative disease, and claims it is a powerful treatment capable of preventing and reversing brain damage caused by dementia, COVID-19, and the so-called “vaccines.”
Nehls relates how Dr. Stephan Martin framed this advice as “vitamin hype… based on Nazi ideas.”
From “The Indoctrinated Brain – How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack On Your Mental Freedom.”
Of course, the real reason Martin wanted you not to be healthy was so you would accept the injections being pushed as a cure for a disease engineered in a lab to make you miserable. What vitamin might be vital to fight this condition? The freely and cheaply available vitamin D, from whose natural source in sunlight you were protected – by being locked inside your house by those who care.
This law in Scotland, and that proposed in Ireland, are examples of a similar type of public health initiative. It is the replacement of health with brain disease, caused by the infliction of treatments which make you mentally ill by diktat. Speech laws simply instruct the people how, and how not, to think. They make compulsory the mind viruses prescribed by the management class. Fear, misery, and sin are the result.
The argument from hate
State censorship is simply branded as a sort of information hygiene. It is to protect us from “hate.” The people who prescribed mental illness, isolation, denounced safe and effective remedies in place of a toxic “vaccine” also demanded any criticism of their insane and likely diabolic COVID regime was removed from the public sphere. This medicine is prescribed by the sick, to incapacitate the sane.
Every attempt at speech laws is a means of criminalizing critics of government. There is no other reason to police speech. Our role in this system is to listen and to obey. To reply carries a risk of imprisonment. In Catholic Poland, critics of the lifestyle of Sodom will face a maximum of three years’ imprisonment. In formerly Catholic Ireland, a law is proposed to capture anyone who says anything anywhere which might be construed as unacceptable. This includes things you might say, too.
To get to the root of this false argument is to attack the taboos of our time. Racism, antisemitism, transphobia are all monstrous confections of the noticing of unmentionable facts and the promotion of indefensible fantasies.
Men are not the same as women, and nor are their gifts and attributes distributed equally. The mad cult of “equality” labels the mere noticing of difference as criminal, and preference as hatred.
The value of human life is not established in words and incantations. It is essential. Beyond that, there are differences which persist so durably as to provide for precise identification centuries after death. It is a crime to remark them in life, however. Hatred, even.
In lifestyle, as we are to call it, we are compelled to moral equivalence between the personal dedication to sexual perversion as the basis of identity, to that of marriage and the raising of a family. It is the same to believe in Satan as in science, but to profess belief in Christ is to catch the eye of the law. It is the only regard given Him by the state these days.
The hate speech laws are the legal force given to the hatred of speech outside political power. Given the wickedness and insanity of their policies, it is obvious that they can expect many objections.
The political class knows its days are numbered. It has bankrupted the West financially and morally, financing a cult of death in abortion and assisted suicide – in which death is a matter of convenience and cost.
Death is now a right and a civic duty. Of course, the dealing of death through permanent foreign wars is another of our duties in this line. Skeptics of the wisdom of state murder are also silenced, whether they notice its actions in Israel, in Ukraine, or its secondary effects of the censorship-industrial complex itself in producing a propaganda machine that has outclassed that of the Soviet Union.
One method of resistance is to supply the machine with feedback it does not want. You can help this process along by citing the hatred of your own politicians for you, for your faith, and for everything you hold dear. Be sure to let Police Scotland know how hateful you find this speech.