Christian pastor in Israel tells Tucker Carlson "brutal" Israeli occupation of Palestine must end
By ethanh // 2024-04-14
Unless Christian Americans step up and start demanding a peaceful solution to Israel's conflict with its Palestinian neighbors, Arab Christians who live in Israeli-occupied areas like Gaza and the West Bank are toast, says Reverend Munther Isaac, an Evangelical Lutheran pastor who ministers to Christians in the Bethlehem area of the Holy Land. Describing Israel's ongoing occupation as "brutal" for the Palestinian people, Isaac begged American Christians in a recent interview with Tucker Carlson to "exercise political advocacy for peace." "We've always had a problem with American foreign policy when it comes to Palestine, Israel and the Middle East in general," Isaac told Tucker on his X program – watch the episode below. "We continue to be horrified by what we hear from (the U.S.) Congress." (Related: Last year, the far-right Israeli Knesset introduced legislation to outlaw the preaching of Jesus Christ everywhere in the Jewish state – violators would be thrown in prison!)

True Christians love their neighbors and enemies

Back in December, Isaac traveled to Washington, D.C., to advocate for a ceasefire in Gaza, where upwards of 30,000-plus innocent Palestinians, most of them women and children, have died at the hands of Israel Defense Forces (IDF). What he discovered was a shocking level of ignorance "about the reality on the ground." "Their knowledge of the situation here seems to be very, very shallow," Isaac noted about how deeply Zionist propaganda has taken root in many Americans' minds. "Yet they hold very strong opinions, and oftentimes these opinions are shaped by political parties" and not on "knowing the facts." According to Isaac, "the so-called religious right" is offering "no sympathy whatsoever" towards the people of Gaza, who just like everyone else are made in the image of God. Also, many of the Palestinians being slaughtered are Christians. "Sometimes we just plead to be heard and to have our perspective taken seriously," Isaac explained, noting that the political left shows far more empathy towards the Palestinians than the political right. Many American pastors, Isaac explained, have "openly called, for example, to turn Gaza into a parking lot," even though the Jesus Christ they claim to believe in and preach never would have approved of such things among his true followers. "The many, many innocent people" living in Gaza have no value in the eyes of many Western Christians who have been brainwashed into thinking that the Palestinian people are second-class citizens who are worthy of death because Israel is "the apple of God's eye." "These are our siblings in Christ," Isaac says about many of the Palestinian believers who are being persecuted and murdered by Israel, many of them "innocent children." "We have relatives and friends in Gaza and here we have a pastor with influence calling for the total destruction of Gaza," Isaac added about the Zionist hatred that has infested Western religion, particularly in the United States. "This obsession with war and violence," Isaac continued, is "the antithesis of everything that Jesus taught." He wonders if any of the so-called Christian Zionist pastors realize just "how damaging that (rhetoric) is for us Christians living not just in Palestine but in the Middle East – damaging in the sense of real impact on our lives." U.S. tax dollars continue to flow to not just the Israeli military but also to the construction of illegal Israeli settlements "on land confiscated (stolen) from Palestinians and in many cases from Palestinian Christian families," Isaac told Carlson. The modern nation-state of Israel does not bear the markings of true Israel as described in the Bible. Find out more at Sources for this article include: