Saudi Crown Prince Salman calls for Netanyahu to be held criminally responsible for crimes against Palestinians
By ethanh // 2024-06-20
A renewed call for peace and safety in the Middle East has come from Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, who in a public speech called for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to pay for what he has done in the Gaza Strip. Addressing a room full of regional leaders in the Middle East, Prince Salman spoke out against what Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are doing to the Palestinian people in Gaza as they wage war on Hamas. "Your Majesties, Excellencies, and Highnesses: the Kingdom affirms its categorical rejection of the continued aggression, occupation, and forced displacement of the residents of Gaza," Prince Salman said in the address, which you can watch below. "It also affirms that it holds the occupying authorities responsible for the crimes committed against the Palestinian people and their capabilities." (Related: Netanyahu has stooped so low as to beg Biden for help in blocking the International Criminal Court [ICC] from trying to prosecute and imprison him for war crimes against the Palestinian people.)

Prince Salman: Reestablish 1967 borders for independent Palestinian state

Prince Salman would go on in his address to call for Israel to immediately withdraw from Gaza, and for an official "State of Palestine" to be recognized in accordance with the borders established in 1967. "We are certain that the only way to achieve security, peace, and stability in the region is to end the occupation, siege, and settlement, and for the Palestinian people to obtain their legitimate rights and establish their independent state within the borders of 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital," Prince Salman said. "This ensures the sustainability of security and stability of the region and its countries. Peace be upon you." Prince Salman's statements towards Netanyahu are curious in that he secretly met with Netanyahu back in 2020 while the world was consumed with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic." Netanyahu reportedly traveled to Saudi Arabia to pay Prince Salman a visit alongside then-U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as Donald Trump was president at the time. Israel's Haaretz media outlet confirmed the visit, which took place around the same time that Pompeo took a tour of Gulf Arab states following a U.S.-brokered agreement between Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain to normalize ties. There was turbulence even back then between Saudi Arabia and Israel about Palestinian statehood. And now that October 7 has happened, things have come to a head with Saudi Arabia officially calling for the establishment of a Palestinian state. On X, someone speculated that perhaps the Rothschild private banking cartel, which functions as a driving force for global Zionism in the world, has lost control of the Saudis. "Rothschild banking has been taken over by the white hats," this person wrote. "This may have been part of the deal set up by Trump and the military to reward Bin Salman." "Mohammed Bin Salman is Trump's friend," wrote another. Someone else chimed in that it took Prince Salman long enough to finally say something in defense of the people of Gaza. "This is all just political theater," speculated another that the good cop-bad cop routine is just a show. "We must ask ourselves what is Power attempting to do and attempting to get us to believe that they are not explicitly stating?" The latest news about the tumultuous situation in the Middle East right now can be found at Sources for this article include: