Biden DECLINES Trump's challenge to a golf match
By ramontomeydw // 2024-07-12
President Joe Biden has declined an offer by his rival, former President Donald Trump, to "redeem himself" after the June 27 debate through a game of golf. Trump first issued the challenge on July 9 at a campaign rally in Doral, Florida. Aside from challenging Biden to an 18-hole golf match with a massive handicap in favor of the 81-year-old incumbent, the real estate mogul also urged him to participate in another debate to "redeem himself in front of the world" and prove "he has what it takes to be president." "This time, it will be man to man. No moderators, no holds barred. Just name the place – anytime, anywhere," Trump said. "And in the debate, Sleepy Joe declared that he wanted to test his skills and stamina against mine on the golf course. Can you believe this? Did you ever see him swing?" "That's why this evening, I'm officially challenging Crooked Joe to an 18-hole golf match. And I will even give Biden ten strokes a side – that's a lot. That means twenty strokes in case you don't play golf. I will give him ten strokes a side and if he wins, I’ll give the charity of his choice, any charity that he wants, $1 million." But the Biden campaign released a statement reiterating that the incumbent won't accept his rival's offer. It also mocked the challenge Trump issued to the Democratic chief executive. "Biden doesn't have time for Trump's weird antics," the statement said. "He's busy leading America and defending the free world." "We'd challenge Trump to create jobs, but he lost three million. We'd challenge Trump to stand up to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, but he bent the knee to him. We'd challenge Trump to follow the law, but he breaks it. Trump is a liar, a convict and a fraud only out for himself – par for the course."

Biden earlier challenged Trump to a golf match

According to InfoWars, the golf feud between Trump and Biden began in 2016 when the incumbent allegedly challenged the real estate mogul months before assuming the presidency. A separate report by The Wrap said Biden recounted this story during a fundraiser in March. "I told him once before, when he came into the Oval [Office] before he got sworn in. I said, 'I'll give you three strokes if you carry your own bag.'" Biden re-issued this challenge during the June 27 presidential debate, claiming that he got his handicap "down to a six" when he was still vice president under former President Barack Obama. He told Trump last month: "I told you before, I'm happy to play golf with you if you carry your own bag. Think you can do it?" Trump has actually expressed his desire to accept Biden's challenge, but the incumbent's refusal only proves the former president's point. During the July 9 rally, he told the audience: "What that match will do is prove that Joe [Biden] is, in fact, all talk and no action." (Related: Biden's debate performance raises alarm among Democrats. Here's why.) He also acknowledged that the Democratic National Committee is trying to get rid of Biden due to concerns about his age and cognitive decline. But according to Trump, Americans shouldn't feel bad for him because "he's a very bad guy" that "weaponized government." Head over to for more stories about the former president ahead of the November elections. Watch this Fox News report about Donald Trump's golf challenge to Joe Biden, which the latter declined. This video is from the TrendingNews channel on

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