Tool of the Deep State: Dominion Voting Systems accused of racketeering operation by Colorado lawyer Tina Peters
By ethanh // 2024-07-17
A well-known Colorado lawyer by the name of Tina Peters is subpoenaing Dominion Voting Systems over the company's alleged racketeering operation to overthrow the United States government by rigging the 2020 and 2021 elections, according to Peters. Dominion is reportedly fighting back against the subpoenas by not complying with them. Peters probed election records from 2020 and 2021 to find that many, around 29,000, had either been deleted or altered. She alleges this allowed the deep state to install Joe Biden into the White House rather than Donald Trump for a second term. (Related: In 2020, Dominion's vice president of U.S. engineering Eric Coomer admitted that Trump was "not gonna win" because the election that year was fixed for Joe Biden.)

Dominion's disbanding could help protect the integrity of the 2024 election

Peters says that Dominion's voting machines can, in fact, connect to the internet during an election. Dominion's voting machines also cannot be properly audited, she explains, probably since the votes they log can reportedly be switched undetected. "Dominion voting systems (1) are not auditable, as required by federal and state law (2) they can connect to the internet during elections, which violates federal and state law; and (3) they are capable of manipulating ballots and vote tabulations, which violates federal and state law; (4) the software overwrites Windows Operating System log files that are recorded during elections, which are required by federal and state law to be preserved," court records reveal. "All these deficiencies make Dominion voting systems illegal to use in Colorado elections." As usual, Colorado's elected officials are "fighting tooth and nail," to quote one source, to stop the public from seeing the malicious code that Dominion installs into its voting machines. After Peters presented evidence indicting Dominion as part of an upcoming court trial, Yehuda Miller announced a $1,000 reward to any software expert who can disprove attorney John Case's declaration about the illegitimacy of Dominion's easily hackable voting machines. "They stole America using Dominion electronic voting machines," tweeted "Truth Justice" (@SpartaJustice) about the case. "They switched votes from President Trump to criminal Biden." "Biden knows he's not the real president. The CIA has a major role in implementing electronic voting machines for the sole purpose to overthrow governments." J. Hutton Pulitzer likewise revealed that Dominion's voting machines are hackable when he testified in front of a Georgia hearing on election fraud. "After that, another computer expert did the same thing in front of a judge in 2024," tweeted "Swan Creek" (@Swan_Creek1). "How much proof is needed?" "In order to prove Democrats did anything wrong, I guess you have to be there at the exact moment they are doing the cheating and catch them in the act – and even then it won't be believed!" Dominion's Coomer, by the way, was also caught telling Antifa in a taped statement from back in 2020 that the domestic terrorist group need not worry because "Trump won't win." "We fixed that," Coomer admitted about how his company rigged the 2020 election for Biden, the illegitimate "winner." "If it's illegal to use in Colorado, it would seem for a national election that you shouldn't be able to use it anywhere," tweeted "Derpstated" (@Derpst8d). "I could see SCOTUS having to rule on this, but they could fast-track it with an election pending." Sources for this article include: