HYPOCRITE: Staunch critic of fossil fuel in Canadian Senate flew 100,000 km in 2023 to attend climate conferences
By ramontomeydw // 2024-07-17
A member of the Canadian Senate who is reportedly a staunch critic of fossil fuels reportedly flew a total of about 100,000 kilometers (km) in 2023 to attend climate conferences. LifeSiteNews reported on the hypocrisy of Sen. Rosa Galvez, who was nominated by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in December 2016. The Peruvian-born Galvez who represents Quebec province is staunchly opposed to the nation's oil and gas industry, which forms a large part of Canada's economy. But newly-filed records obtained by Blacklock's Reporter showed the senator for Quebec logging a total of 100,084 km (62,189 miles) to attend climate change junkets. These trips were said to have been paid by several sponsors, including the Parliamentarians' Network for a Fossil Fuel Free Future and the American Society of Civil Engineers. According to records, Galvez continued to denounce fossil fuels right until a flight to a May 25 conference on "energy justice." The said conference was held at the city of Casablanca in Morocco. Prior to this, she also attended a May 2 meeting in the city of Sao Paulo in Brazil that centered on "fossil fuel phaseout in the Amazon." Galvez also attended multiple other conferences whose themes were focused on phasing out the use of oil and gas. (Related: Bill Gates flies around Australia for climate change lectures in $70m private jet that guzzles fossil fuels.) The senator was previously a professor at Laval University in Quebec before her appointment, heading its Department of Civil Engineering and Water Engineering. The self-described environmentalist states in her official biography that she is one of Canada's "leading experts in pollution control and its effects on human health." According to Galvez, "[the] climate crisis is the greatest challenge of our time and will require an unprecedented transformation." In 2019, Galvez served as the chair of the Canadian Senate's Standing Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources. During that time, she was tasked with overseeing hearings on Bill C-69 – also known as the "No More Pipelines" bill. The proposal, which impacts Canada's oil and gas sector, was later ruled unconstitutional.

Galvez not the only climate official in Ottawa burning taxpayer money

In a separate report, LifeSiteNews also disclosed that the senator isn't the only one who has had a huge carbon footprint in the course of fighting "climate change." The pro-life news outlet mentioned the case of Canadian Climate Change Ambassador Catherine Stewart, who was appointed by Environment and Climate Change Minister Steven Guilbeault in 2022. Blacklock's Reporter also exposed the wanton spending by Stewart during her overseas trips, all charged to the taxpayer dime. According to the independent outlet, the climate change ambassador has spent almost half a million dollars for her travel-related expenses. Records obtained by Blacklock's Reporter showed Stewart's multiple trips around the world only shortly after her appointment. In one instance from 2023, Stewart chose to fly instead of taking the train when it was available to do so. Even though rail service was available from the Canadian capital Ottawa to Toronto, she took a plane to the capital of Ontario province to attend a "climate change" conference. This trip cost taxpayers a staggering $10,096. A second instance also revealed that Stewart made many trips from Ottawa to New York City, choosing to fly instead of taking a train. Her penchant for burning money isn't limited to flights. While in the Big Apple, the climate change ambassador stayed at luxury hotels like the Lexington Hotel for $411 per night and the Hyatt Herald Square Hotel for $440 per night. A 2023 trip by Stewart to the United Kingdom for a "carbon pricing outreach" journey came with a hefty price tag, as she stayed at the Club Quarters Hotel at London's Trafalgar Square for $412 a night. A May 2023 side trip to Florence, Italy was never explained – but taxpayers were billed $623 for her stay at Bread and Breakfast Hotel Firenze. Head over to BigGovernment.news for similar stories. Watch Canadian clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson blasting climate science as "an appalling scam" in the clip below. This video is from the GalacticStorm channel on Brighteon.com.

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