REVEALED: How fake news REALLY works – thanks to the LIVE debate of Trump vs. Dark Brandon
By sdwells // 2024-07-17
The Fake News Industrial Complex of America just got exposed in the biggest way, and to nearly every American. This was epic. Not a single Democrat in America realized how senile Dementia Joe, a.k.a. Dark Brandon, really is, until the televised live debate. Why is that? Because all Democrats love their fake news. They watch it religiously, like a cult (some really are cult members), and they believe every word that’s said, printed and posted on fake news, including television, newspapers, scripted websites and of course, social media (except for X sometimes). Even the editor for the Wall Street Journal is fessing up to the fake news crimes of the past few years, saying “We’ve been gaslit and deceived for years, all in the name of ‘democracy’ … and “that deceit ‘collapsed’ with the Presidential debate, Thursday.” Millions of brainwashed Democrats and Liberals are now facing the die-hard truth that their dementia-in-Chief is no more than a bumbling puppet who can’t put two complete sentences together without forgetting who he is, what he’s done, where he is and why he’s there. These same narrative-worshipping sheeple are now questioning ALL the (fake) news they’ve been spoon-fed, dating all the way back to the beginning of the first term of our first communist leader of America, Barrack Hussain Obama. Now Biden claims, "It's just my brain." As if that makes it all okay. That's the worst part. Biden has now entered stage 4 dementia, where he cannot remember the names of those closest to him, as he just said that Donald J. Trump is his Vice President and thinks Vladimir Putin is the President of Ukraine, per his recent press conference. Dementia Joe also admitted that he follows the advice of his Commander-in-Chief, not knowing that is HIS job (he means Obama of course). Can you say Parkinson's disease without coughing into your Covid face diaper?

For 4 years, fake news has edited out almost every Biden blooper, blunder and memory-loss moment, and there have been thousands

Nary a Democrat in the USA right now realizes that their vote is NOT counting toward anything they would ever really desire for their country, looking at the big picture. They don’t know that the Biden Regime wants to dismantle the constitution, cripple the middle class, destroy the U.S. supply chain and literally start WWIII. Americans watch their local news and get stories that are usually true, with great details, covering local sports, some stores closing or a crime incident. This makes them believe that the national news is real also. Now, every Democrat must question every piece of (fake) news they’ve swallowed over the past 15 - 30 years. Was Obama really born in the USA? Was 9/11 an inside job, especially considering the fact that building 7 collapsed surely by demolition the very same day, not by “office fires?” Did the Russians influence the 2020 election for Donald J. Trump, or did true patriots in America simply out-vote the insidious “Hitlery” Clinton? Should every Democrat who questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 election, for 4 years, be arrested and jailed for “election denialism,” just like the Jan. 6’ers are right now? After all, the mass-majority of those patriots who are serving indefinite time in the DC gulag right now simply walked peacefully in front of, or into, the Capital building that day, while being escorted by Capital police, and led by undercover FBI agents with bullhorns, flags and pro-Trump apparel. Fake news is EXPOSED like never before, thanks to the live debate between Trump and Dark Brandon. Now everyone sees. Dementia Joe has been like this the whole time, just an old senile guy being led around the world, who can’t remember what event he’s at after he’s done reading the teleprompters (written by Obama) and after repeating what his staffers blurt into his earpiece during public speaking events. Fake news makes the Democrats now wonder who has been running the country the past four years. Why is inflation so bad? The communists in Washington DC want it that way. That’s why. Why is the U.S. southern border wide open, unguarded, while illegal immigrants collect thousands of free dollars from the U.S. taxpayer slush fund? The communists in DC want it that way. That’s why. You’ve been watching “Fake News.” Trump was right. Independent media was right. Truth media was right all along. The misinformation and disinformation is coming from the top – all the Democrats running the country. It’s an infodemic! It was the Democrats, and all their supporters, pundits, journalists, talk show hosts and corrupt politicians who engaged in complete ELECTION DENIAL campaigns and hate crimes when Trump won in 2020, but nobody got arrested or jailed for all that, that happened 24/7/365 for 4 long years. The brainwashed masses that watch TV news and read the newspapers don’t understand any of this. Thanks a lot fake news. It was Antifa and BLM that violently rioted in the metropolitan streets of America when they didn’t like the “results” of court cases and politics, not the conservatives who protested the crooked election of 2020, also known as the “most unsecured election in American history.” Tune your apocalypse dial to for updates on real news that reveals the fake narratives of the Fake News Industrial Complex of America. Sources for this article include: