CDC, Pfizer affiliate sponsor pro-LGBT public school event for fifth-graders
By avagrace // 2024-07-18
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and a pharmaceutical firm with links to drug giant Pfizer reportedly sponsored an LGBT event for fifth-grade public school students. According to LifeSiteNews, HIV drug manufacturer ViiV Healthcare contracted with the Children's First Fund (CFF), the non-profit arm of Chicago Public Schools (CPS). Viiv Healthcare's website states that it is a partnership between three pharmaceutical companies – GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer and Shionogi – to research HIV and AIDS drugs. Under the contract, ViiV Healthcare provided $10,000 to the CFF to sponsor the Galaxy Summit organized by the non-profit arm in March. Both the CDC and the drug maker were listed as sponsors, with ViiV Healthcare being allowed to place its content in front of CPS students in grades five through 12. According to the school district, the summit "is an annual event designed to create an affirming space for all to learn about and celebrate the galaxies of gender, sexuality and love that exist in our communities. [It] is intended to create a safe space for students to learn about the diversity of the CPS community while participating in fun, educational activities and getting to know their peers from across Chicago." While the summit required parental consent to attend, students were taught permission from a guardian is not always needed. It also taught kids how to present themselves as the opposite sex without their parents knowing. (Related: LEGO produces 'pride' video with Drag Queens and Furries.) "You are allowed to use your affirmed name and pronouns in class without parent permission," read one slide obtained by Chalkboard News. "All staff members must respect this."

Galaxy Summit a form of "destructive propaganda" on kids

Independent journalist Chris Rufo also shared that the Galaxy Summit partnered with Lurie Children's Hospital. The medical facility reportedly works with CPS to promote gender ideology, including through "employee training programs." Moreover, Chalkboard News noted that the summit also included an activism portion that "sought to instruct students on the basics of activism and 'why we need to advocate in the LGBTQ+ community' as well as 'famous activists in the LGBTQ+ community.'" "Students were told there are many ways to advocate, including marches, writing, community organizing, digital activism, fundraising, strikes, protests, peaceful protests and walkouts. [They] were asked if they have advocated and if they plan on participating in activism, according to a copy of the presentation slides obtained by Chalkboard News." The CFF did not respond to an email from LifeSiteNews that asked about safeguards to ensure kids are not being pressured to identify as LGBT, confirmation on the contract with Viiv, and what the end goal is of talking to kids as young as fifth grade about LGBT topics. But the American Life League (ALL) which researches sex-ed curriculum in public schools, criticized the summit as "destructive propaganda." ALL Executive Vice President Hugh Brow told the pro-life news outlet in an emailed statement: "We are at a time in place in the history of America where the devil is unleashed and under the guise of inclusiveness, diversity, love and tolerance many of our public institutions are complicit in deception and are directly engaged in the perversion and destruction of our children. "[CPS] is engaging in destructive propaganda by hosting the Galaxy Summit aimed at confusing young people and furthering the work of destroying their God-given identities, harming them psychologically, mentally and spiritually. "Pharmaceutical companies have a direct interest in promoting confusion, sin and demonizing truth. They benefit from creating confusion in young people and then hooking them on 'gender-affirming drugs' for the rest of their lives should they chose to follow the deadly false path of altering their gender." Watch this clip about LGBT leaders signing a treaty by the globalist World Economic Forum seeking to accept pedophiles as a "legally protected minority." This video is from the Δίκτυο Ελληνισμού channel on

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