Former Space Force commander calls for elimination of WOKE IDEOLOGY in the military
By ramontomeydw // 2024-07-22
A former commander in the U.S. Space Force (USSF) has called for the elimination of woke ideology in the military. Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, the former commander of the USSF's 11th Space Warning Squadron at Buckley Air Force Base in Colorado, was ousted in 2021 for criticizing the spread of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives in the military. His ouster followed his self-published book titled "Irresistible Revolution: Marxism's Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military." Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, then the head of the USSF's Space Operations Command, relieved Lohmeier from his position over an alleged loss of confidence. Whiting also opened an investigation into whether Lohmeier's remarks qualified as "prohibited partisan political activity." To add insult to injury, the former USSF commander lost his pension – something he described as a "gut punch." "The blow was severe. It makes you feel like you've been betrayed," Lohmeier told Fox News in an interview. Despite these setbacks, he has remained committed to exposing and uprooting the ideological priorities that have infected the military. The former USSF commander spoke out against DEI training due to his belief that it was dividing the troops and decreasing morale – affecting military readiness in turn. "The DEI industry … is steeped in critical race theory (CRT) [and] is rooted in anti-American, Marxist ideology," he said. (Related: Former Space Force officer: WOKE AGENDA weakening, dividing US military.) "You give your life and service to your country and the American people, and you're not doing it for the pay. You're doing it because you become [convinced] of the greatness of the American ideal. And senior leaders [then] say, 'We want you out of the way because your view is not welcome here,' even as they pretend to care about inclusivity, even as they pretend to care about diversity – [but] not diversity of thought."

Study recommends abolishing DEI programs

Lohmeier believes he didn't violate the USSF's existing policy, because the issue he aimed at was anti-Americanism and not politics. "There was a whole string of events that did lead up to my being relieved of command. The ultimate reason was because I was willing to be publicly critical of CRT, which I understood to be rooted in Marxist ideology … that I saw dividing the troops," he told Fox News. "I wasn't advocating for Republicans over Democrats, and I'm conservative myself. But it didn't matter to me, and it's never mattered to our troops what someone else's politics were." A new study commissioned by Arizona State University's Center for American Institutions (CAI) appears to attest to Lohmeier's observations. According to the report, which was compiled by military experts, the Department of Defense (DoD) has been steadily increasing the amount of money it is allocating to DEI programs. The CAI report found that DEI endeavors in the military cost taxpayers $68 million in 2022 and $86.5 million in 2023. It added that a bigger $114.7 million has been proposed for DEI initiatives this year. Moreover, the CAI report found that the DoD's diversity programs encourage reporting conversations on dissenting views of DEI. It ultimately recommended abolishing left-wing DEI initiatives and replacing them with merit-based selection and curricula that promote American values in military academies. "We need to eliminate diversity, equity and inclusion trainings from the military, from the service academies, and strip all vestiges of critical race theory out of the military workplace," Lohmeier said. Head over to for more stories about woke CRT and DEI initiatives in the U.S. military. Watch this InfoWars segment explaining how a woke military proves America is under attack from within. This video is from the InfoWars channel on

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