Tulsi Gabbard endorses Donald Trump for president as former Dems reject the tyrannical, Marxist Left
By ethanh // 2024-08-28
Former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a Democrat, has officially endorsed Donald Trump to be elected president of the United States in 2024. Gabbard made the announcement at the most recent annual meeting of the National Guard Association, telling the room that she believes only Trump has what it takes to "walk us back from the brink of war." "We cannot be prosperous unless we are at peace," Gabbard said to the room – watch the clip below: (Related: Did you know that last year Tulsi Gabbard asked Congress to ban atrazine and other dangerous industrial crop chemicals linked to the chemical castration of children?)

Peace and freedom rather than war

A National Guard veteran who served two tours of duty in the Middle East, Gabbard's announcement came on the third anniversary of the suicide bombing at the main airport outside Kabul in Afghanistan that resulted in 23 U.S. servicemen and more than 150 Afghans dying. "This administration has us facing multiple wars on multiple fronts and regions around the world, and closer to the brink of nuclear war than we ever have been before," Gabbard said. "This is one of the main reasons why I'm committed to doing all that I can to send President Trump back to the White House." In an interview with Fox News, Gabbard revealed that she cherishes peace and freedom over the constant wars the U.S. always seems to be embroiled in. "We know how important it is to have a commander-in-chief who values every single one of our lives and who has the strength and the courage to exercise all means of diplomacy, meeting with dictators, allies, adversaries, partners in the pursuit of peace, recognizing that war is always and should always be a last resort," Gabbard said about why she chose Trump over Kamala Harris. "I endorsed President Trump today because he has those qualities, and he's proven that he is that commander-in-chief. Kamala Harris has proven she is not. We are closer to the brink of nuclear war now than ever before, closer to World War III because of Harris and Biden and their policies." Gabbard, who ran for president in 2020, further took aim at Kamala, wondering whether or not she even took the time to call the families of those who were killed and injured in the suicide blast that occurred under her and Joe Biden's watch three years ago to apologize. It was the Biden regime's fault that the blast occurred because of their "disastrous withdrawal" of U.S. troops from the region. "Kamala Harris is completely unfit to serve as our commander-in-chief," Gabbard said point blank. It was Kamala who during a 2021 interview with CNN revealed that she was the last person in the room when Biden made the decision to pull out of Afghanistan. Harris released a statement afterwards in which she said she will "mourn and honor" the injured and deceased U.S. troops "today and every day." Gabbard believes that Kamala is the wrong choice for America if peace and safety are the goal. The only candidate who can deliver that promise is Trump. "I love our country," Gabbard continued. "I cherish peace and freedom and I'm supporting Donald Trump in this election so that he can be our commander-in-chief once again." "It's not about Democrats versus Republicans. It's about having a president who stands for freedom, peace and prosperity, which is Donald Trump, versus having a president in Kamala Harris, who attacks our freedoms and censors us and uses political retaliation, who has pushed us to the brink of war and who's created this economic hardship for Americans across the country. That's really the choice that we have before us." The latest news about all things Trump can be found at Trump.news. Sources for this article include: X.com NaturalNews.com USAToday.com FoxNews.com