Attempted robbery in downtown San Francisco results in 49er Ricky Pearsall getting SHOT
By ethanh // 2024-09-04
San Francisco Mayor London Breed confirmed this week that 49ers first-round draft pick Ricky Pearsall was shot numerous times during an attempted robbery downtown. The following video footage captured by a witness shows Pearsall walking to an ambulance in stable condition after police said he was shot near Union Square: Breed revealed that the wide receiver was met by the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) "immediately" following the incident and that "an arrest of the shooter was made." "My thoughts are with Ricky and his family at this time," Breed added in a tweet. "We will provide more updates, including on his condition, as I receive them." (Related: Crime is so bad in some parts of San Francisco that area retailers are erecting large barriers around their properties and having their employees personally escort customers in and out of their stores to keep an eye on them.)

Shooter apprehended with gun, then released, three days before targeting Pearsall

According to law enforcement sources, the kid who shot Pearsall is just 17 years old. He is a known gang member in Tracy who, believe it or not, had been apprehended with a gun just three days before he ended up back on the street putting bullets into Pearsall's chest. "Why is Gavin Newsom silent?" asked Kevin Dalton, who ran for an office in the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to represent California's District 1. "If this happened in Florida or Texas, he would've been virtue signaling for 15 straight hours now." SFPD later confirmed that there was actually a second male subject injured, who was found at the scene and transported to a local hospital after receiving emergency medical attention. SFPD released the following full statement: Pearsall's mother is convinced that "God shielded him" from dying because all of the wide receiver's vital organs were untouched by the shooter's bullets. "Update on my baby boy: First and (foremost) I want to thank GOD for protecting my baby boy," Pearsall's mother Erin further wrote on Facebook. "He is extremely lucky, GOD shielded him. He was shot in the chest and it exited out his back. Thanks be to GOD it missed his vital organs." "He is in good spirits right now," she added. "Life is so precious my friends. Please love (each other). My son was spared today by the grace of GOD. Please pray for my baby." Breed reportedly went personally to San Francisco General Hospital to keep an eye on Pearsall and to provide updates to the public about his condition and recovery progress. "It's really sad how crime-ridden San Francisco has become," one distressed commenter wrote about how the once-great California coastal city with one of the world's most visited architectural wonders, the Golden Gate Bridge, has become a near-constant crime scene. "1,000% this guy was arrested for a prior violent crime and released with a slap on the write," wrote another about San Francisco's soft-on-crime approach to maintaining order. You may recall that earlier this year, Breed claimed that San Francisco's crime and homelessness numbers have been plummeting as of late. Apparently, Breed fudged the numbers to make it appear as though things are improving in and around his city when the truth is that crime is wildly out of control and worsening. San Francisco might want to rethink the way it runs itself or else the city's crime problems will only get worse. Learn more at Sources for this article include: