Cultural revolution redux: Southern Poverty Law Center denounced from within for fostering 'inhumane' 'chaos
By newseditors // 2024-09-18
Mao Zedong smiles from communist Valhalla, homoerotically, gratefully suckling through the zipper-hole in his gimp suit at his daily ration of state-owned grapes from the benevolent right hand of Marx. (Article by Ben Bartee republished from All Social Justice™ organizations that exist solely to grind grievance axes, as coalitions of untenable and mutually antithetical “marginalized” identities — which is to say, all of them — eventually self-destruct on a long enough timeline. They´re houses built on sand. This week in The Revolution Eats Itself, we have the SPLC, self-professed supporter of organized labor, getting denounced by its own employers for union-busting. (Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks has done this same kind of hustle: loudly virtue-signaling his deep commitment to organized labor for other companies while denying his own employees the right to unionize because sophistry. Labor unions are manna from heaven for the left — until they pop up in their own businesses.) Via The Post Millennial (emphasis added):
Workers at the leftist activist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) gave their CEO a vote of non-confidence after Margaret Huang* started to lay off staff last June. The staff have equated this with the union busting tactics they usually associate with conservatives. The SPLC union announced a 92 percent vote of non-confidence in Huang, The Guardian reported. With that response in hand, the union is now calling for Huang to resign or to be removed and replaced with a new CEO – and to reverse the layoffs that have cut staff levels by 25 percent. The union is also appealing directly to the public with a petition to encourage people to support its demands. Lisa Wright, the chairwoman of the union’s bargaining committee, worked for the SPLC for 23 years before being laid-off. “Shock, horror, confusion. It’s been sloppy, dispassionate, inhumane. It has been the absolute opposite of what the organization says they stand for and absolute chaos since then,” Wright told The Guardian.”
*It’s frankly bemusing that an East Asian is an aggrieved enough minority to qualify for SPLC leadership. While, granted, Margaret is a slight rung above whites on the oppression pyramid and she is, apparently, a bio-fronthole woman, for which she gets a precious few Diversity™ points, it’s definitely not enough to be the chief put-upon minority; non-tranny Asian ladies are as good as white per Social Justice™ dogma these days. I’m sure the BIPOCs and non-binaries in the rank-and-file are bitter about being subordinate to a less-deserving identity token, in addition to whatever their stated grievances about labor unions are. Read more at: