Entire “gender-fluid” movement and pushing it in schools is just GROOMING so kids will become perverted and think about sex and sex partners all day
By sdwells // 2025-02-17
  • The "gender-fluid" movement is mostly about identifying and expressing gayness, often through surgery and hormone treatments, which is inappropriate for children.
  • The author asserts that in the past, sexual orientation was simpler (straight, gay, or bisexual), and this information was not necessary to share with employers or children. They also claim that some liberals are involved in human trafficking and grooming children.
  • Liberals are accused of pushing "gender fluidity" on children and teens to support gay rights, often through tactics like encouraging gender-bending dress and behavior, which the author considers grooming and dangerous.
  • According to the author, the only genders that exist are male and female, and children should not be exposed to thoughts about sex, gender roles, or the possibility of changing genders. They suggest tuning into specific news sources for updates on what they see as liberal efforts to confuse children about gender.
Sex and sex-thinking are not subjects that should be pushed onto children and teens, but the entire “gender-fluid” movement, with about 50 different names for being gay, is mostly about how to identify one’s gayness, how to dress for it, how to have surgery that supports it, and taking dangerous hormone drugs to help fake being the opposite gender. None of this is appropriate for children to be “educated” about, or be influenced about with propaganda, pornography, or grooming (adults who project and push perverted thoughts and actions onto children). In the old days, you were either straight, gay, or bisexual. End of story. The rest was just personal information not needed to be shared with employers, the military, or children anywhere. It should still be that way, but the communists who ran the country for 12 years also ran human trafficking networks that abuse children and teens and sell them into sex slavery. Grooming is just the beginning of all of that, but now more and more perverts will be caught and go to prison for it, now that Trump is running the country again.

Liberals like grooming children and teens to think, dress, and act “gender fluid” to support “equal treatment” of the gay rights cult

Gay parents are terrified that their children might not respect their “choices” in partners and so they push the whole “gender fluidity” madness as some sort of human rights movement, spewing hate and reverse-bigotry at any straight people who oppose children being “educated” and brainwashed to think about sex, sex partners, and sex change operations all day. Liberals support children pretending that they are cats or dogs that need to poop in a litter box in the school restrooms. They want tampons in the boys’ bathrooms so their sons can pretend they are girls who get their periods and can bear children. Liberals don’t believe there’s anything wrong with kids dressing up as the opposite gender and pretending that there are 50 different genders that they should experiment with even though they shouldn’t even be talking or thinking about sex and sex partners at such a young age. It’s called grooming and it has infested American culture. It’s dangerous for the children and teens, who may not know any better and think it’s normal. It’s all-over social media and it’s too easy for kids and teens to use Google to find pornography with transgenders doing despicable sex acts. Real science shows there are only two genders. People with any morals and ethics should not push children to think about sex, sex partners, sex roles, pretending to change genders, chemical castration drugs, sex change surgery that can make a person infertile, and drugs that can lead directly to cancer. You’re either straight, gay, or bisexual. End of story. The rest is just personal information not needed to be shared with employers, the military, or children anywhere. Tune your internet dial to gender.news for updates on extreme liberals with hidden agendas trying to turn normal kids into gender-confused freaks. Sources for this article include: DailyCaller.com USA.visa.com NaturalNews.com TheGatewayPundit.com