“That first-grade teacher at Heights Elementary School posted a video on social media showing her putting up a Pride flag in her room and then showing off inclusive books in her classroom. The video was posted after President Trump signed numerous executive orders impacting the trans community and DEI material… In the clip, you can see a still image from the 12-second video that teacher Melanie Ramirez posted. She's lip-syncing the words "speak out" in the video. In the beginning, she shows off her Pride flag in class, then some of the books in her classroom, and a poster saying, "We need diverse books."… The Pride flag has long symbolized unity, love and acceptance. Recent studies have found that school environments that are inclusive of LGBTQ+ history, culture, and people are safer learning environments for LGBTQ+ youth and have better educational outcomes.”VIDEO Future tranny holocaust victim preps for Road Warrior scenario When the hetero-Gestapo kick this guy’s door in, this real oven-dodger of a tranny will already be gone…When the hetero-Gestapo kick this guy’s door in, this real oven-dodger of a tranny will already be gone… Watch it explain its bug-out plans with its hands apparently just to show off its fabulous nail polish:
“We are getting a go-bag ready. We are getting all of our documents ready, so driver’s license, birth certificate social security card, passport… We’re gonna have a go-bag with shoes, clothes for seven days, dehydrated food… We’re gonna have $1,000 cash or pre-paid credit card on hand… This is for a week of getting by off the grid… Make sure your medication is available and in extra stock… Ask your doctor for a three-month supply at one time. Keep your gas tank full.”Aggrieved tranny overwrought with emotion after Trump-ordered passport misgendering To be wildly, radically fair to this tranny, he clearly has made an effort to appear feminine — plastic surgery, vocal surgery, Adam’s apple snipped, etc. So I get how the reflection of biological reality on official paperwork could be confusing. I don’t, contrary to popular belief, hate trannies as a class of people. I can respect the ones like Blaire White who legitimately make an effort to transition while recognizing they can never be real women, and I harbor no puritanical aversion to people living out whatever delusions or fantasies they like. In that sense, I am far more libertarian than conservative. However, none of that negates the fact that… “Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.” -Tyler Durden Ergo, all sympathies for the emotional trauma inflicted by your anatomically correct passport sex designation, sir. Thoughts and prayers. UNREAL trannies lay siege to Worcester, MA City Council Rabid tranny Massholes descended in full force on the Worcester City Council gathering to demand that the city declare itself a “transgender sanctuary city” in light of the incoming Great Project 2025 Tranny Holocaust during this, the Golden Age of the ascendent Fourth Reich. VIDEO Worcester, predictably, succumbed to the terrorism and subsequently declared itself a “tranny sanctuary city.” Read more at: ArmageddonProse.Substack.com
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