FBI PLOT: The "terrorism" plot against MI Gov. Whitmer was always just another false flag FBI scheme to entrap citizens
By jdheyes // 2021-03-31
No sooner than we heard the FBI busted a group of 'right-wing extremist terrorists' who were plotting to kidnap Democratic Gov. Gretchen "Lockdown" Whitmer last fall as she continued to refuse to allow her state's businesses to fully reopen so owners could make a living amid the COVID pandemic, we were immediately skeptical and suspicious. And why? Because the FBI under Barack Obama ceased being a law enforcement agency and became nothing but a political tool of the deep state left. We saw that as the agency was weaponized to scheme against Donald Trump as  the GOP presidential contender and later president. On Monday, a Michigan judge moved to dismiss terrorism allegations against three of the men who were initially arrested and charged with the kidnapping plot, saying that there was not enough evidence to support it. In October, FBI agents claimed that members of the Wolverine Watchmen militia organization had concocted a plan to kidnap Whitmer as a means of starting an uprising against her government and throughout the country. In all, the Feds busted 13 people and filed various charges against them including conspiracy and terrorism. But Jackson County Judge Michael Klaeren ruled this week after a preliminary examination of the evidence that there is not enough probable cause regarding terrorism charges against Pete Musico, Joseph Morrison and Paul Bellar. https://twitter.com/Phil_Lewis_/status/1376574787280117764 The judge ruled that the three men's use of an encrypted communication platform to plot out details planning the kidnapping was "in many respects no different than thinking the thought to yourself." “One does not even need to know all the co-conspirators,” Klaeren concluded in his ruling, emphasizing that “there has to be some form of intent here to incite mayhem.” As to the other charges the three men face, the judge did say he saw sufficient evidence to support proceeding with them, which include providing material support for acts of terrorism, use of a firearm during the commission of a felony, and gang membership. “The intent is so clear that these individuals were going to do more than spout off threats to each other,” Klaeren said. “They started a very big snowball that wasn’t going to stop.” He further noted that the trio were “erratic” and “joined at the hip.” The weapons charge carries a maximum sentence of two years; the others including terrorism and gang membership more -- 20 years. But here's the thing: How much involvement did the FBI really have? Turns out, a lot. As the bureau has frequently done, these men were set up essentially. The FBI 'infiltrated' the group which could mean one of two things -- agents found out about the plot and legitimately infiltrated (which is not likely given that groups like these are tight-knit and long-time friends); or the bureau made contact with members of the group and its undercover agents pitched the idea of 'plotting to kidnap' Whitmer, who was, and remains, extremely unpopular among conservatives and anti-government types in Michigan (which has a history of militia activity). The latter scenario seems more likely. As Angelo Codevilla of American Greatness reported shortly after the men were arrested for their 'plot', the FBI will most definitely entrap citizens: The FBI-generated indictment of six men on charges of terrorism for planning to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has all the earmarks of what has become that corrupt agency’s standard operating procedure. Their lawyers are sure to claim they were victims of entrapment. If the case comes to trial, I doubt a jury will convict them. During the eight years I spent supervising the intelligence agencies for the Senate Intelligence Committee, I watched as what had been a clerisy of strait-laced guardians of truth and justice was becoming a bunch of lazy bureaucrats eager to serve the ruling class’ prejudices. No longer doing the hard and dangerous work of investigating deeply connected criminals and subversives such as the Mafia and well-financed, politically supported subversives, the FBI limited its vision to politically correct “profiles,” and started chasing small fry. Easy targets, defended by no one. What’s not to like? The FBI may have, at one time, been the world's "premier law enforcement agency." That's simply no longer true; now it's the premier federal agency serving the entrenched deep state. See more reporting like this at DeepState.news. Sources include: NaturalNews.com InfoWars.com