Left-wing journalists dox and intimidate Utah paramedic because he gave Kyle Rittenhouse ten bucks
By jdheyes // 2021-04-22
There are some truly lousy human beings in America, and not a few call themselves 'journalists.' Here's a perfect example: If, as an American citizen whose freedom of political choice is supposedly protected under our Constitution, you happen to financially support the 'wrong' person -- that is, someone designated as 'wrong' by the Marxist left -- you will be punished. You will be outed, you will have your reputation attacked, your job will be targeted, and you will lose your livelihood and ability to earn a living. All for having the 'wrong political opinion.' Case in point as noted by Breitbart News on Monday: A paramedic in Utah is now being victimized and subject to abuse by a "media terror campaign" because he dared to donate $10 to the legal defense fund of Kyle Rittenhouse, the young man who shot and killed two rioters while wounding a third (who was armed) as they attacked him during the riots in Kenosha, Wis., last summer. The outlet reports: It all began Friday when the far-left Guardian took advantage of a data breach at a Christian website to publish the names of private citizens who contributed to the fund. Rittenhouse, who was 17 at the time, is charged with shooting and killing two people during last year’s Black Lives Matter riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rittenhouse is pleading self-defense, and after video of him under attack was released online, many believe he is being unfairly scapegoated and prosecuted. Using this hacked material, a monster journalist named Jason Nguyen from ABC4, Salt Lake City’s ABC-affiliate, decided to make a play for a CNNLOL gig by terrorizing this paramedic (whose name won’t be published here). https://twitter.com/FollowWIN/status/1383252307358277633 The 'reporter' says he wanted to get the "side of the story" from the paramedic he named but he did so in a way that he was sure to reveal all kinds of personal, private information about him, including his private residence. "This fascist media monster, who obviously has a problem with the presumption of innocence and due process, also tried to get the paramedic fired by ratting him out to his employer. The city responded by releasing a statement that said it is 'conducting an investigation into the matter,'" Breitbart's John Nolte writes. (Related: CNN admits to terrorizing America with fear-mongering and crisis programming.) Mind you, another right Americans used to have until the garbage left rose to prominence in the Age of Obama was the right to a competent defense, which takes money. It was fine for then-Democratic presidential contender Kamala Harris to raise money to bail out thugs and rioters who looted and burned businesses in Minnesota last summer but it's not okay to donate to Kyle Rittenhouse's defense. The dirtbag reporter also was sure to try and gin up outrage at the paramedic by closing his 'story' this way: "NAME REDACTED] will not be placed on administrative leave during this investigation. It’s not clear how long that will take." Without making any pronouncements about whether Rittenhouse is guilty or innocent -- he did, after all, shoot and kill two people but he was also under direct attack, being struck at one point over the head with a skateboard, making the case he feared for his life -- the young man is definitely entitled to a defense. And as Nolte points out, if ever there was a need for a 'GoFundMe' type of crowdfunding effort, Rittenhouse's case sure fits that bill because the case is complicated and it's going to be expensive. Meanwhile, the same trash who claim to be reporters have no similar interest in doxxing BLM and Antifa thugs who terrorize citizens, beat on police, and loot and burn businesses, some of which were owned by people who had nothing else in their lives. This country needs a gigantic reset. See more reporting like this at NewsFakes.com. Sources include: Breitbart.com Biased.news NaturalNews.com