Lockdowns BACKFIRE: Areas with most aggressive covid lockdowns saw highest infection numbers
By ethanh // 2021-05-10
Data is finally coming out about the effectiveness of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) lockdowns, and it is now undeniably clear that they made the problem worse. Forcing people to stay at home because of a big scary virus ended up causing more to get sick than if the Constitution had not been suspended in a lame attempt to eradicate an alleged virus with a 99.99 percent survival rate. Patients at 113 hospitals were surveyed over a three-day period about when and how they contracted the Chinese Virus and a whopping two-thirds of them said it happened while they were at home "staying safe." "Sixty-six percent of the people were at home, which is shocking to us," expressed failed New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who murdered thousands of nursing home patients with his disastrous response to the Wuhan Flu. In fact, more ordinary people died staying at home than did nursing home patients, assisted living residents, and even homeless people. Apparently, it is not healthy to force people into isolation because of scary germs. "This is a surprise," Cuomo added to a room full of reporters back in April. "We were thinking that maybe we were going to find a higher percent of essential employees who were getting sick because they were going to work – that these may be nurses, doctors, transit workers. That's not the case. They were predominantly at home."

Medical fascists will always be sicker – both physically and in the head – than normal people

Another study looking at the effectiveness of stay-at-home orders found much the same. Telling people they have to stay at home forever because a virus might kill them causes more death than if people just lived their lives as normal without mindless fear. "Micro evidence contradicts the public-health ideal in which households would be places of solitary confinement and zero transmission," wrote University of Chicago economist Casey B. Mulligan. "Instead, the evidence suggests that 'households show the highest transmission rates' and that 'households are high-risk settings for the transmission of [COVID-19].'" Even within households where members did not go out and participate in so-called "superspreader" events like having dinner at a restaurant, the Chinese Virus spread harder and faster than it did among people who ignored the lying mainstream media and lived their lives as normal. This is apparently shocking news to the mindless masses of Fauci-worshipping hordes who believe everything the television and social media tell them. Everybody else could see from the start that this whole thing was a power-grab designed to enslave the planet under medical fascism. Still, the "science" establishment is bending over backwards trying to come up with a different explanation for why people who lived their lives normally were healthier than those who lived in fear with their masks tightly affixed over their faces. Mulligan hilariously suggested that perhaps the reason why stay-at-home fearmongers fared worse than normal people is because they failed to install "physical barriers" within their ventilation systems. Such stupidity is what passes for "science" these days, at least in the United States of Pharma where the only solution to anything scary is to take more drugs, get more vaccines, and wear more masks. "As our experience with the pandemic lockdowns has demonstrated, even central planning that falls short of full communism tends to backfire, creating harmful chaos in the name of establishing beneficial order," reported FEE. "Hayek's words should be displayed in every government office: 'The more the state 'plans' the more difficult planning becomes for the individual.'" This writer agrees. Nothing is more antithetical to health and wellbeing than allowing rogue governments to try to stop the earth on its axis for some stupid "virus." More related news about how the government's Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) lockdowns caused thousands of needless deaths can be found at Pandemic.news. Sources for this article include: FEE.org NaturalNews.com