Smoking gun: Workers at Wuhan lab got sick right around time covid "escaped"
By ethanh // 2021-05-27
A previously undisclosed government document claims that three researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) who worked on the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) became seriously ill in November 2019, right when the "pandemic" first started. According to new mainstream media reports, these three individuals got so sick that they had to be rushed to the hospital for treatment. This, some say, suggests that the Chinese Virus "escaped" from the petri dish, so to speak, and infected those who were tampering with it to create a bioweapon. These fresh details go beyond a State Department report that was released under former President Donald Trump that indicated Chinese lab workers fell ill in autumn 2019 "with symptoms consisted with both Covid-19 and common seasonal illness." It has now been revealed that three researchers fell ill specifically in November, and these details came forward right before a meeting of the World Health Organization (WHO) at which it was discussed what the next phase of the investigation into the origin of the virus will be. Both current and former officials familiar with intelligence about the lab situation still have conflicting viewpoints as to the strength of this new assessment. One of them indicated that it is potentially significant, but that further investigation is needed to verify it. Another feels as though the evidence is strong and of "exquisite quality." "It was very precise," this person indicated. "What it didn't tell you was exactly why they got sick."

Communist China says Wuhan Flu originated at Fort Detrick military base in Maryland

The significance of the new report primarily centers around the date of when the three researchers got sick. November 2019 is considered by many epidemiologists and virologists to be when the plandemic was first launched and began to circulate around the central Chinese city of Wuhan. The first reported case of the Wuhan Flu originated in Beijing where Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials say a man got sick on Dec. 8, 2019. Just a few months later, the corporate media here in the West began warning about Chinese Virus cases coming to the United States via cruise ships. Because the WIV was working with bat coronaviruses at the time, some have speculated that perhaps a genetically modified (GMO) variant "escaped" the level-four biosafety lab and ended up circulating in public. There is still no definitive proof of this, though, as the virus has still never even been fully isolated. Communist China, meanwhile, is scoffing at the idea that the Chinese Virus originated in a Chinese laboratory. CCP officials claim that the U.S. "continues to hype the lab leak theory" without evidence. "Is it actually concerned about tracing the source or trying to divert attention?" China's foreign ministry stated about the U.S. The Biden regime has thus far refused to comment on the new intelligence, though it has claimed that all technically credible theories about the origin of the virus should be investigated by the WHO and other international "experts." "We continue to have serious questions about the earliest days of the Covid-19 pandemic, including its origins within the People's Republic of China," a spokesman for the National Security Council is quoted as saying. "We're not going to make pronouncements that prejudge an ongoing WHO study into the source of SARS-CoV-2. As a matter of policy we never comment on intelligence issues." Communist China is also suggesting that the Chinese Virus actually originated at the Fort Detrick military base in Maryland, the state where Fauci lives. The regime is calling on the WHO to launch a full investigation into this theory as well. More related news about the latest revelations concerning the Chinese Virus can be found at Sources for this article include: