Nice try, though let’s not obfuscate the fact that ending abortion is a moral imperative according to the Catholic Church founded by Christ. It is the greatest evil in the modern world. And if doctors and mothers had to go to jail for trying to kill innocent children through the abominable practice, so be it. We daresay society would be much better off than it is now.
MSNBC contributor Laura Bassett hated the news and threw up another desperate argument in response, saying that rich women are going to get abortions anyways, and poor people are being discriminated by this. “Again, rich women will find a way to have an abortion if they want one. They can travel to a blue state where it's still legal,” she wrote, adding, “These bills mainly force women without means to go through with a pregnancy they can't afford or attempt an illegal method.” So what? If rich women want to go above and beyond to kill their kids, God help them. But just because they manage it doesn’t mean everyone has a right to. Find a better argument, Laura. Thank God for Governor Abbott and the great state of Texas. Countless innocent lives will be saved, and that’s worth all the idiotic and hyperbolic leftist reactions in the world. Read more at: NewsBusters.orgHORRORS: Fauci engineered human-animal hybrid abominations using aborted baby tissue
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