France planning to inject 12-year-old children with spike protein bioweapons
By ljdevon // 2021-06-04
The President of France, Emmanuel Macron, recently announced the government’s plan to prey on psychologically vulnerable parents and vaccinate as many children as possible. Children as young as 12 years of age will be pressured to inoculate with experimental spike proteins from the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine series. The European Medicines Agency recently approved the Pfizer-BioNTech covid jab for young teenagers. The dishonest drug maker recently settled a $2.3 billion judgment for fraudulent marketing, the largest health care fraud settlement in the history of the U.S. Department of Medicine. Now Pfizer is seeking approval to inoculate babies as young as six months in the US, Europe and Poland, as they fraud the world on levels of criminality that are unconscionable.

Public Health authorities do not provide informed consent on these needless child experiments

France’s Health Minister, Olivier Veran, did not question the plan to vaccinate children and provided no further information on Pfizer-BioNTech’s fraudulent clinical trials. He said children would “not be able to be vaccinated without parental consent,” but he did not provide parents or the public with any information on the fraudulent Pfizer studies. He also did not provide any context on the matter of natural infection or discuss why children should not fear a potential covid infection. The Health Minister paid mere lip service to “parental consent” without mentioning the simple fact that children are not a high risk to potential covid infection in the first place! Public health authorities are leaving the public IGNORANT and refuse to stand up to a predatory industry that damages public health. Children around the world are being taught to live in TERROR of select, advertised pathogens that their body can readily OVERCOME. Children are being mentally, physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually trained to believe lies about their body and submit to abusive authority figures. These abusive authority figures have exploited the psychology of children and held a hand of force over children’s faces for over a year, restricting their breath and interactions. Now, these authorities are herding the children, coercing them to take part in spike protein vaccine experiments, that turn their cells into bioweapon factories.

Pfizer’s fraudulent press release conceals widespread vaccine injury of children

In Pfizer’s clinical studies (that needlessly exploited children as young as twelve), a majority of the children experienced direct physical abuse from these destructive vaccine experiments. After the second dose, half of the vaccinated children were prescribed pain medication to cope with the inflammation caused by this spike protein experiment. A total of 173 children suffered from new or worsened joint pain and 353 children suffered from new or worsened muscle pain. Two-thirds (66.2%) of the vaccinated children suffered from fatigue and a similar number (64.5%) reported headaches. Another symptom that the vaccine was supposed to prevent (chills) was reported in 455 children or (41.5%) of those vaccinated. Fever, vomiting, swelling, and diarrhea were also reported in numbers far greater than the placebo (non-vaccinated) group. These were just the problems reported in the first week after vaccine administration. Shockingly enough, thirty children did not show up for the second dose, and Pfizer did not report on the reasons why. Worse yet, after experimenting on roughly 2,000 children, Pfizer is parading around the world, claiming their two-shot protocol is 100% efficacious for all 12–15-year olds. What a dangerous con! The so-called “efficacy” of Pfizer’s vaccine protocol is based on the ongoing fraud of the covid-19 PCR test. Eighteen children tested positive for COVID-19 in the placebo group, which is the normal rate of false positives for the falsely calibrated covid-19 tests. Most children test positive without showing any symptoms at all; this does not prove a vaccine’s efficacy, especially when covid is improperly diagnosed and not symptom-specific. Pfizer did not mention if these eighteen “covid cases” in the placebo group had any symptoms that were as severe as the multitude of needless symptoms observed in the vaccinated children. Sources include:[PDF]