Bombshell: Google helped fund bioweapons development that led to the creation of covid-19
By ljdevon // 2021-06-22
Bioweapon research has been taking place for over a decade, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and EcoHealth Alliance aren’t the only US institutions funding this unethical, highly controversial research in China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology. In fact, U.S. taxpayer money is also being funneled into bioweapons research through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) along with funds from Google Inc.! Suspiciously, Google helped fund Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance and helped pay for studies that involve the engineering of many different types of viruses. Dr. Daszak’s group openly collaborated with Dr. Shi at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and Google was behind much of this gain-of-function research.

Google helped fund gain-of-function coronavirus research and helped conceal the evidence trail online

Google’s participation is of special importance, because the laboratory origins of SARS-CoV-2 have been covered up for over a year by the Google search engine and covid-19 “misinformation” policies put in place by Facebook and Twitter. Big Tech is complicit in the coverup of SARS-CoV-2 origins because Big Tech had a financial stake in this controversial research. A 2010 study on bat flaviviruses, authored by EcoHealth Alliance Dr. Peter Daszak and Vice President Jonathan Epstein, was funded by A 2014 study on henipavirus spillover, authored by Daszak, also lists as a financial supporter. A 2015 study by Daszak and Epstein investigated bat reservoirs for a wide range of zoonotic agents, including “lyssaviruses, henipahviruses, SARS-like coronaviruses, Marburg viruses, Ebola viruses and astroviruses. A 2018 study named “Serologic and Behavioral Risk Survey of Workers with Wildlife Contact in China” was also authored by EcoHealth Alliance and made possible by financial contributions from This 2018 study went above and beyond to learn how pathogens with pandemic potential transmitted in a highly exposed human population “at the animal-human interface.” The biased study focused on laying the groundwork for suppressing any inquiry into the possibility of laboratory leaks of pathogens with pandemic potential. The paper states that a “majority of human infectious disease have an animal origin” and therefore investigating the human-animal interface is the most important factor for understanding “disease emergence.” The paper authoritatively stated that SARS “emerged in humans and other mammals in wet markets” in an attempt to downplay the potential for laboratory leaks or perhaps use the animal-human interface to create a pandemic pathogen in the lab and then conceal its origins in the Wuhan wet market. When Daszak was placed on the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 instigation team, he hid from all the previous gain-of-function research he conducted over the years and immediately came to the conclusion that a lab leak theory is “conspiracy theory.” Google helped perpetuate these claims and tried to algorithmically bury the trail of evidence for the decades-long laboratory work on coronaviruses that preceded the Wuhan outbreak. A network of “fact checkers” including Politfact, fell in line with the censorship plan, and called any lab theory “false misinformation.” This brainwashing and censorship continues, despite leading work by scientists and intelligence officials showing the extensive network of laboratory research that sought to make coronaviruses more lethal to human immune systems.

Daszak arrogantly lists the “generous support of the American people” for funding his macabre work in China

In the 2015 paper on gain-of-function research, Daszak acknowledges NIH grant AI069317. He also thanks and the US Agency for International Development (USAID). He said “USAID’s funding was made possible by the generous support of the American people.” Interestingly, not many American people would vote to send their hard-earned money to China to develop a potential pandemic pathogen. In fact, in 2014, the US government placed a moratorium on gain-of-function research in the United States. This did not matter to the NIH, the NIAID or Dr. Peter Daszak, however. They had connections in China and could offshore their work quite easily. The USAID does indeed funnel taxpayer money to various international bodies, including the GAVI Vaccine Alliance, an organization steered by Bill Gates, who openly admits his desire to vaccinate every man, woman and child. In fact, USAID has given $2 billion in taxpayer funds to GAVI and promises another $2 billion to GAVI by 2022. The money is being used to finish the original purpose of gain-of-function research, which is to test out new vaccines on populations. (Viruses are being engineered into potential pandemic pathogens for the sole purpose of testing out new vaccines.) This falls right into Bill Gate’s plan to vaccinate the entire world population by providing “equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines.” This conspiracy is now a reality and half the world’s population has been duped by psychopaths who like to mentally abuse people, censor the truth and experiment on populations. Sources include: [PDF] [PDF]