Market manipulation? Elon Musk asked Chinese government to censor social media posts critical of Tesla
By ethanh // 2021-07-07
Tesla CEO Elon Musk is back in hot water again after it was revealed that he buddied up to the communist Chinese regime in an attempt to shield his multinational corporation from criticism on social media. Musk reportedly begged the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to censor all online content that threatens Tesla's image, which some would argue amounts to market manipulation. Since the tens of billions of dollars he already has are apparently not enough, Musk has sought to artificially prop up the Tesla brand online so as to create the illusion that everyone is happy with their Tesla vehicles. Musk clearly wants to keep out of the limelight the fact that Tesla vehicles are spontaneously bursting into flames and veering off the road for no apparent reason while on "auto-pilot." "Previously focused on state-run media, Tesla is now trying to build relationships with auto-industry publications and influencers on platforms such as Weibo and WeChat, for example by inviting them on factory tours, and conducting group 'discussion sessions' with policymakers, consumers, and media outlets," reports indicate about Musk's cronyism. "According to people familiar with the matter, it's also complained to the government over what it sees as unwarranted attacks on social media, and asked Beijing to use its censorship powers to block some of the posts."

Musk adopts CCP tactics to save face

In essence, Musk has become a communist Chinese asset who is now adopting as many of the regime's tactics of deception as possible in order to save face – or as Zero Hedge puts it, Musk is desperate to keep "holding the narrative together" concerning his financial interests. The CCP has apparently played a vital role in boosting Tesla's success over the years, hence why Musk has nothing but praise for the regime. Back in early 2021, for instance, Musk publicly announced that he believes the Chinese government is "more responsible" to its citizens than the U.S. government. While the U.S. government is certainly corrupt and no longer legitimate, the CCP is hardly any better. And yet Musk continues to praise communist China as a global leader. In April, Musk had a small spat with his CCP buddies after a Chinese protester stood on top of a Tesla vehicle at the Shanghai Auto Show and declared the company's brakes to be inadequate and unsafe. The Chinese media proceeded to call the situation a "blunder," suggesting that it could "inflict serious damage" on Tesla's business operations in China. Since that time, however, Musk has gotten back in good graces with China by hyping up random cryptocurrencies on Twitter while flip-flopping about the legitimacy of Bitcoin. The CCP responded to this by publishing a propaganda piece claiming that "work at Tesla's Shanghai Gigafactory is going smoothly" – in other words, communist China approves of Musk's behavior. In late June, Musk thanked China by tweeted that its "economic prosperity" is "truly amazing, especially the infrastructure!" "I encourage people to visit (China) and see for themselves," the government grifter further added. Tesla would not even exist, by the way – and Musk would certainly not be a multi-billionaire – were it not for the government welfare he received on the backs of American taxpayers, who have unknowingly made Musk filthy rich with corporate subsidies. "We're probably just seeing the teeny tiny tip of a giant, ugly iceberg," wrote one Zero Hedge commenter about Musk's ongoing lifestyle of corruption. "Woe to those who didn't first consider all the potential consequences. A river of tears is likely to start flowing by fall." More related news about the corruption of billionaires like Elon Musk can be found at Sources for this article include: