'This Week' with Mary + Polly: 'Every solution except the vaccine has been suppressed'
By newseditors // 2021-07-24
This week, Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) president, and Polly Tommey, co-producer of “Vaxxed,” cover the latest COVID headlines including the U.S. Surgeon General’s push for Big Tech to crack down on so-called vaccine “misinformation,” the Rockefeller Foundation’s pledge to spend $13.5 million to fight vaccine disinformation and the White House’s plan to ask SMS carriers to monitor private texts for vaccine misinformation. (Article republished from ChildrensHealthDefense.org) Also on tap this week is a viral Twitter thread shared by mRNA vaccine inventor Dr. Robert Malone showing the most-vaccinated countries in the world are experiencing a surge in COVID cases, while the least-vaccinated countries are not. Mary and Polly also discuss news that vaccinated people now makeup 47% of COVID cases in Britain, the surge in COVID cases in 46 U.S. states and a CNN report that says young kids will “pay the price” if American adults don’t get vaccinated.

Here are more of this week’s highlights:

  • Fox News personality Geraldo Rivera called for a crackdown on the unvaccinated. He said those who haven’t been vaccinated for COVID shouldn’t be allowed to attend work, school or shop in-person.
  • The White House blamed a spike in COVID cases on the unvaccinated, calling it a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”
  • Joe Biden said the spread of COVID misinformation on social media is “killing people.” Health officials said the country’s current spike in COVID deaths and infections is exclusively hitting unvaccinated communities. “That’s not true,” said Mary. “That’s just a falsehood, a straight-up falsehood.”
  • Kathleen Sebelius, former Obama administration Health and Human Services secretary, said unvaccinated Americans should not be allowed to work or have access to children. “It’s rabid,” said Mary. “It’s pro-discrimination, squash the unvaccinated.”
  • A Louisiana doctor said choosing vaccination is the only way to avoid death from COVID. “There’s never one solution,” said Mary. “But we know in this pandemic every solution except the vaccine has been suppressed.”
  • Pop star Olivia Rodrigo will meet Joe Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci as part of the White House plan to push COVID vaccines.
  • U.K. officials said hundreds of thousands of children have a higher risk for COVID and should get the shot. The U.K.’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation recommends vaccinating kids 12 to 15 if they have a severe neurodisability, such as autism or epilepsy, Down’s syndrome, cancer, a severely weakened immune system, or have multiple learning disabilities. “Most of these conditions came from these shots,” said Polly. “On the inserts of vaccines like the MMR, it says to not give these shots to kids or anybody that has a weakened immune system.”
  • Children’s Health Defense lawsuit seeks to overturn a D.C. law allowing kids to be vaccinated without parents’ knowledge or consent. The District of Columbia is hiding whether or not a child has been vaccinated for COVID from the parents, said Mary. “This is illegal and unconstitutional. And I do believe we’re going to win on this.”
  • The Department of Homeland Security is set to start vaccinating immigrant detainees with the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine. “It’s a predatory system,” said Mary.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said kids can get COVID and flu vaccines at the same time. Vaccine providers are directed to give kids flu shots by the end of October, with the dog kidney (MDCK) cell-based Flucelvax quadrivalent vaccine now being recommended for children starting at age 2 and older. “People are more likely to suffer adverse events when they have combination shots,” said Mary. “We have no idea what it’s going to do to children when you give a flu vaccine at the same time as a COVID shot.”
  • pediatric infectious disease specialist said children’s viruses that disappeared during the lockdowns are back. “People are worried about the flu coming back. But for the flu, we have a safe and effective vaccine,” said Dr. Ellen Foxman, an immunologist at the Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • The Inquirer said allowing kids to go unvaccinated against HPV dooms them to grow up into cancer patients. The HPA vaccine is proven safe and effective, said the Inquirer. “That’s false information,” said Mary. “The evidence suggests many people who get Gardasil shots get cervical cancer and other cancers that are likely associated with the injections.”
  • Nearly 11,000 deaths have been reported after COVID vaccines, according to the latest data submitted to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. “But we know there’s more than that,” said Polly.
  • Experts warn of “huge risk” as Moderna launches COVID vaccine trials for pregnant women. The CDC says the “potential risks of COVID vaccines to the pregnant person and the fetus are unknown.” Polly said, “If you’re signing up for that study, you’re taking a massive risk.” Mary said, “What we understand about the effects of these shots on fertility is bad news.”
  • Pfizer’s COVID vaccine was granted priority review for full U.S. approval. “Licensure will make it much easier for governments and schools and employers to mandate,” said Mary.
  • Business Insider reports scientists could create a single vaccine within five years that fights multiple coronaviruses. The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, co-founded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, announced up to $200 million for so-called “broadly-protective” vaccines. “It’s important to follow the money on these organizations,” said Polly. “It tends to go back to a handful of the same people.”
  • The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons said COVID shot home visits are unconstitutional and unethical. “They point out that the federal government has no legal authority to be doing healthcare,” said Mary. “That is a state law authority.”
  • U.K. Health Minister Sajid Javid has COVID despite being fully vaccinated. In a video posted on Twitter, Javid said he’s “grateful” to have gotten vaccinated because his symptoms are mild.
  • The Daily Mail reports that Sajid Javid “held a lengthy meeting with Boris Johnson” just hours before the fully vaccinated health minister tested positive for COVID. “The notion that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated doesn’t ring true when the health minister of the U.K. acknowledges he’s had his two jabs and he’s sick,” said Mary.
  • France is reopening its borders, but only to people vaccinated with COVID vaccines approved by the European Union.
  • French President Emmanuel Macron announced plans to roll out mandatory “health passes” for all restaurants, bars, hospitals, shopping malls, trains, planes and other venues. But Macron was then shamed into an “embarrassing u-turn” after hundreds of thousands of French protesters flooded the streets to protest the health passes. “It’s the power of the people,” said Mary. “That’s great news.”
  • Spain’s top court ruled the COVID lockdown was unconstitutional. The ruling leaves the door open for people who were fined for breaking the rules to reclaim the money they paid. “This is great news,” said Mary. “It tells these governments you’re not home free, and next time people will know that these pervasive restrictions are unlawful.”
  • Los Angeles reimposed a mask mandate for indoor public spaces, regardless of vaccination status. But the LA County sheriff said the order is not backed by science and he won’t use his department’s limited resources to enforce it.
  • The Tennessee Department of Health said it will stop all outreach to adolescents about vaccines, not just for COVID but for all diseases. The health department will also stop all COVID vaccine events on school property.
Watch here: Read more at: ChildrensHealthDefense.org