Talk show host "blocked" from television after questioning covid vaccines
By ethanh // 2021-06-10
British news personality Beverley Turner has been blacklisted as a pundit from the This Morning show for challenging the safety and effectiveness of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines while on air. Turner engaged in a tense exchange with Dermot O'Leary, calling out Chinese Virus injections as unnecessary and unsafe – especially for younger people, whom she says should not participate in the U.K.'s national rollout. For violating the script and poking holes in the narrative, Turner was punished not only by the program but also other networks, which reportedly were told not to book her for any future appearances. It was a "step too far," one media outlet said, for Turner to question the "safety and effectiveness" of Wuhan Flu shots, which governments throughout the West are demanding everyone receive in order to keep them "safe" against infection. "Production staff were told Bev is banned from the show after the comments she made … they couldn't have her on again," reported The Mail. Throughout the past year, Turner has appeared on The Morning numerous times as a revolving guest. She was a well-respected personality before defying the plandemic protocol by questioning its validity. "It does not stop you catching or passing on the virus," Turner noted about Chinese Virus injections, which do nothing to protection again infection or spread. "It does," shot back Dermot, obeying his overlords. "The finest minds of science have, in an extraordinarily short amount of time, come up with this vaccine. It's proven it's working statistically. Why are you so skeptical? Turner responded by explaining that there is no "long-term data" to prove that Wuhan Flu shots are safe or effective, prompting Dermot to lash out with even more aggressive propaganda. "We don't have a chance to have long-term data because we have this virus that's killing people around the whole world," he sneered. "We don't have that luxury, surely. Why are you so skeptical about the whole thing?" "Because of the fact there's a 99.8 percent survival rate from Covid-19," Turner responded. "The average age of death is 82."

Turner: Covid-19 injections are not worth getting

Even though she ended up getting shunned from This Morning for her bravery, Turner has plenty of supporters on social media who continue to support her as she seeks to spread the truth about Wuhan Flu shots. Turner thanked her supporters on Twitter for standing by her as she dropped the "axe" on This Morning, adding that she fully believes the risks outweigh any possible benefits when it comes to Chinese Virus injections. "I totally stand by my position that for healthy young people it is #SaferToWait for #longtermdata," Turner added. "Risk v benefit does not stack up. That isn't controversial. Thanks for your huge support." Alison Hammond, one of the hosts of This Morning, also spoke out against the injections, claiming that she is "hesitant" to get them herself. For daring to take a stand, she, too, is facing the ire of the injection mob. "I like Alison Hammond and appreciate the need for discussion but this is the second week she has expressed doubts about getting vaccinated without serious medical challenge at a time when all our health depends on everyone taking it," one viewer commented. "I'm sorry Alison, but you are in a position of influence on the television and saying you are vaccine hesitant on that platform is hugely irresponsible," wrote another. "I'm incredibly disappointed. Totally wrong." When pressed about still getting the jab despite her hesitancy, Hammond insinuated that she might not do it, despite peer pressure from her colleagues demanding her compliance. More of the latest news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine deception can be found at Sources for this article include: