WATCH: Health Ranger talks with John Michael Chambers of American Media Periscope about covid vaccine spike protein shedding
By ethanh // 2021-06-11
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has made another public appearance, this time on American Media Periscope where he talked with host John Michael Chambers, whom he met at the recent Tulsa Health Freedom Conference, about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) death jab and what we can all expect from it in the coming days. After parsing out the latest revelations concerning the true origin of the Chinese Virus, which appears to have come from a Wuhan lab rather than infected bats at a wet market, the two talked about the injections being delivered at "warp speed" as part of the "new normal." Adams explained to Chambers and the viewing audience how we now know that the jabs are spreading the deadly spike proteins that are causing people to get sick or die. "The real shocker is that the vaccine contains the spike protein, and so the vaccine is causing this wave of hospitalizations and deaths from 'covid' which are really symptoms that occur when someone is injected with spike protein, which even the Jonas Salk Institute, which is one of the leading institutes of vaccines throughout the history of Western medicine, they admit that the spike protein causes vascular damage and contributes to blood clots and cell damage across the body," Adams stated. "It even interferes with the mitochondria of cells causing lethargy, fatigue, and an inability to function." Adams went on to differentiate between the two different types of vaccines being administered: the viral vector shots from Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, and the messenger RNA (mRNA) injections from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. The former, Adams revealed, inject people with actual spike proteins that immediately enter the bloodstream and attach themselves to ACE2 receptors, including in the ovaries of women and the testes of men." "The second type," Adams went on to explain, "is the mRNA vaccines that invade your body's cells, take over the protein synthesis engines of those cells, and cause your body to churn out spike proteins like a bioweapons factory. Those people, we believe, are shedding or transmitting spike protein." "It's a nanoparticle that is the spike protein that's being transmitted from vaccinated people to unvaccinated people and it's causing blood clots in the unvaccinated. Those who are vaccinated are, in my view, walking biological timebombs," he added.

Health Ranger: You're playing roulette with your life if you take this vaccine

The truth of the matter is that these injections should not even be called vaccines at all because that is not what they are. They are experimental gene therapy medications, the long-term effects of which are completely unknown. Adams describes them as "operating systems" similar to what a computer has, allowing various software programs to be installed. In the case of the injections, they are laying a type of groundwork for the later "installation" of viruses, parasites and other malignant components. These operating systems, Adams further warns, have unknown consequences, no long-term safety testing, and no approval for safety and efficacy by the FDA. "You are the experiment if you take these interventions, and it's a brand-new technology platform that may even, in fact, alter your DNA through a process called transfection," he explained. In summation, this is all a massive biological weapons experiment and the subjects are unwitting people who have been so programmed into fearing infection that they are willing to do whatever the government and Big Tech tells them to do in order to stay "safe." Be sure to watch the full segment at this link to hear the rest of this important conversation, and be sure to share it with your friends and loved ones. You will also discover more of the latest news about Chinese Virus deception at Sources for this article include: