Ron DeSantis will send special weapon to TX and AZ to help fight Biden's border crisis
By victort1 // 2021-06-19
GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida announced Wednesday his state would be the first to respond to requests by the governors of Texas and Arizona for help in addressing the migrant crisis at the U.S. southern border with Mexico. (Article by Randy DeSoto republished from Thank God that Florida, the nation’s third most populous state, is willing to help in this catastrophe that is largely of President Joe Biden’s making. “These states have sent Florida support when we’ve responded to emergencies here in our state,” DeSantis said. “And they wanted support so that they could do what the federal government is either unwilling or unable to do: secure the border and protect the people not just of their states, but of the entire country because of the nationwide impact that has.” “We believe that securing the southern border is important for our country, but specifically we believe it will benefit the people of Florida to be able to get this under control,” he added. “And so where the federal government has failed the states are stepping up and doing our best to fill the void.” DeSantis said that law enforcement officers from various sheriffs’ offices around the Sunshine State, as well as members of the Florida Highway Patrol and other state agencies, would begin deploying immediately. The move couldn’t come soon enough. Customs and Border Protection reported that over 180,000 people were apprehended attempting to enter the country illegally through the southwest border in May. That is a 21-year high. CNN reported in March that the U.S. is on track to encounter more than 2 million migrants entering the U.S. illegally in the current fiscal year. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued a disaster declaration earlier this month in the face of the flood of humanity entering his state. The governor also announced this week Texas would be building barriers to cover areas not protected by former President Donald Trump’s unfinished border wall. Biden halted construction on his first day in office and re-instituted “catch and release” and ended the “Remain in Mexico” policy for those applying for asylum in the U.S. Fellow Republican Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey issued an emergency declaration in April and deployed the state’s National Guard. Former President Donald Trump announced Tuesday he has accepted Abbott’s invitation to “visit … our Nation’s decimated Southern Border,” as the former commander in chief described it. The trip is slated for June 30. “The Biden Administration inherited from me the strongest, safest, and most secure border in U.S history and in mere weeks they turned it into the single worst border crisis in U.S history. It’s an unmitigated disaster zone,” Trump said. He argued that Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are engaging in a “grave and willful dereliction of duty.” Trump concluded: “My visit will hopefully shine a spotlight on these crimes against our Nation — and show the incredible people of ICE and Border Patrol that they have our unshakeable support.” Biden created this crisis, and he is too cowardly to go to the border to face the people who are bearing the consequences of his decisions. DeSantis, Abbott and Ducey are to be commended for doing the best they can to work together to mitigate the damage Biden’s policies have wrought. Read more at: