WATCH: Big Tech's top 'fact-checker' refuses to drop Chinese Communist Party 'mouthpiece' as client
By newseditors // 2021-07-09

Alan Duke – the co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of Facebook and TikTok’s fact-checking partner “Lead Stories” – admitted a stunning refusal to drop clients with ties to the Chinese Communist Party flagged by the U.S. government.

(Article republished from The admission came during a War Room: Pandemic interview [with] Duke, whose outlet has censored several National Pulse articles critical of Joe Biden and Facebook. While the outlet claims to be “unbiased,” Federal Election Commission (FEC) records reveal that all donations from employees have gone to Democratic candidates and anti-Trump groups. In an effort to cover up the outlet’s left-wing bias, Duke alleges that co-founder Perry Sanders once donated to Republican mayoral candidate John Suthers, though no record exists of the donation. Suthers is also a hard line “Never Trump” politician who has admitted: “I did not support Trump in the primary, no question about it. The president and I have a whole different view towards governance let me just put it that way” in 2018. In addition to censoring stories for Facebook, Duke’s outlet is also partnered with the parent company of TikTok: ByteDance. ByteDance’s founder has pledged to use his company to “promote socialist core values” and has “set up an expert group on content supervision” run by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and includes former high-level party apparatchiks with military ties as executives. “How much do you get paid by what the U.S. State Department called a “mouthpiece” for the Chinese Communist Party?” National Pulse Editor-In-Chief Raheem Kassam inquired before referencing ByteDance, which the U.S. government considers a propaganda mouthpiece for the CCP. “We have a contract with ByteDance in order to consult them on misinformation on their platform,” Duke begins. Host Steve Bannon later inquires that “if we can show you these documents from the State Department and Natalie can show you the detail of what the head of ByteDance said, would you commit, if you saw the detail of their involvement with the CCP and particular the CCP’s information arm, would you commit to dropping them as a client?” Immediately, Duke refuses to commit to dropping the CCP-linked tech firm, and asks if War Room: Pandemic and The National Pulse will “commit to not doing business with any company from China”: No. No. They’re – what we’re doing – we’re an American company that is providing a service. This is free enterprise, right? Well, will you commit to not doing business with any company from China? “I commit to doing no business with any Chinese Communist Party outlet. I commit that, will you?” Kassam replies, forcing Duke to return with “No. This is ridiculous.”


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