Taco Bell, Starbucks warn of product shortages due to "covid"
By ethanh // 2021-07-24
Trouble is brewing in fast-food paradise as junk chains Starbucks and Taco Bell warn customers that they are running out of food and beverages, allegedly due to the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). For the past several months, certain items have been missing in action from the menus of both chains. Starbucks is telling customers via its mobile app and in stores that "due to supply shortages, some items are temporarily unavailable." Such items include green tea, which Starbucks customers are complaining has been in and out of stock on a regular basis for several months now. At Taco Bell, the situation is much the same with hot sauce packets in short supply. The Louisville, Ky.-based Yum Brands, which owns Taco Bell, is blaming transportation problems associated with the Fauci Flu for customers not getting the imitation Mexican food condiments they crave. "Due to national transportation delays happening throughout most of the industry, we may be temporarily out of some items," Yum Brands said in a statement. "Apologies for the inconvenience and we hope to feed fans' current Taco Bell cravings again soon." Other chains such as Olive Garden are reporting similar shortages of everything from pickles to chicken wings. These are being blamed on "weather problems in Texas," among other excuses. The mainstream media says that a shortage of drivers across the country is also contributing to the problem, as there is nobody willing to move the trucks that deliver goods to the places where many people eat. "The few spot outages we have are due to warehouse staffing and driver shortages, not product availability," claims Rick Cardenas, president of Olive Garden and owner or Darden Restaurants.

Can you see the writing on the wall?

Some grocery stores are also taking a hit, though in a different way. Persistent inflation coupled with supply issues is driving a stockpiling frenzy of things like frozen meat and sugar, the goal being to ensure a steady supply moving forward that is as uninterrupted as possible. There would appear to be a death rattle reverberating throughout the supply chain, and unfortunately the problems have only just begun. These are the early warning signs of much worse things to come, especially as the government and media push the latest "variants" on the masses. Someone really wants the economy to collapse, and they are doing everything within their power to make it happen. The Chinese Virus has been ushering it in for more than a year now, and the next phase is poised to speed up the process even more. Should another round of lockdowns commence, it could deliver the final death blow to global commerce, plunging the entire planet into a state of irreversible economic turmoil that concludes with the so-called "great reset" for which the globalists are longing. If they succeed, the world can expect much more severe supply chain breakdowns that result in widespread chaos, panic and desperation. There will no longer be enough food to go around, in such a scenario, and that is when things will really get ugly. Right now, the situation is confined to a handful of fast-food chains. Later on down the road, however, it could impact everyone and everything. Be warned. "People will do evil things when they are hungry," warns one of our commenters. "Meanwhile, wise individuals are building their food reserves, working on their gardens and learning food preservation techniques if they don't know them yet," wrote another. "On that note – good luck to the city dwellers." The latest news about the Chinese Virus-induced economic collapse currently in motion can be found at Collapse.news. Sources for this article include: RestaurantBusinessOnline.com NaturalNews.com