Prepping to live in an RV: living as a nomad
By maryvillarealdw // 2021-08-10
The nomadic lifestyle is gaining popularity as more and more people retire, and others are working remotely. For those who want to live in an RV, here are some guides to help you prepare for life on the road.

Prepping to become a nomad

Sanitation: This is pretty straightforward. Be aware of what you will do when you want to go to the bathroom or keep yourself clean. The good thing about an RV is that it has access to a personal toilet with a straightforward system. The toilet funnels the waste to a tank and a freshwater system is connected for flushing, bathing, handwashing, and even drinking. Remember that you would need more water than you think you do, so make sure to keep your tank full and refill as often as possible. Sustenance. Pack your RV with plenty of meat and frozen items to tap into during the winter months, and check them off the list as you use them up. Bring along plenty of canned goods, dry food, and even spices! You can also bring dehydrated meals as they are very light and easy to store. Remember to clean out your fridge before leaving home, though, and bring all perishable food with you to avoid getting them spoiled while you are away. Security. There are different levels of preparedness when living in an RV. Motor homes are considered homes when parked, and a vehicle while traveling. so you have to be mindful of the firearm laws of the state you are in if you choose to carry them with you. Here are some tips to maximize security in your mobile home, beyond relying on a firearm for personal protection:
  • Pull down the window shades at night.
  • Lock up the car and the RV.
  • Stay in safe areas like state parks, public camping grounds and RV parks.
  • Keep pepper sprays, walkie-talkies, lockbox or small safe and other everyday security items.
  • Use mail forwarding so that your mail does not pile up in your mailbox at home. Security at home is as important as security in the RV when you're away for months at a time.
  • Practice situational awareness
(Related: Your SHTF guide to bugging out in an RV.)

Other tips for living in an RV

Here are other tips that you should know before driving off into the sunset:
  • Read your RV's manuals so that you will get to know your car before driving it so that you will know about basic plumbing, electricity, or even patching a leak if possible. It is also important to establish a routine and perform regular checkups and general maintenance, especially if you live in your RV for a few months every year.
  • Do your research. More than any vacation, traveling full-time will require a lot of planning. Have a general idea of where you're going, which places you're staying, and for how long. Some popular campgrounds and RV parks across the US can sometimes be booked months in advance so you would want to plan out ahead or build a flexible schedule.
  • Establish your domicile. A mobile lifestyle means there are different sets of rules and regulations when it comes to taxes, licenses, voting registrations, bank accounts, and more. If your home state is not accommodating to mobile living, you may have to reconsider this kind of lifestyle. Fortunately, some states allow full-time nomads to claim residency without owning or renting property, so you can look up how to establish domicile there.
  • You will also need insurance that gives you adaptable coverage that you need, such as liability protection both on and off-road, roadside assistance, and even replacement coverage for your personal belongings. If possible, you should also sign up with a mail forwarding company to provide you with a street address for DMV or voting-related purposes.
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