CNN tries once again to convince viewers not to believe their eyes – as correspondent downplays Afghanis chanting 'Death to America!' behind her
By jdheyes // 2021-08-19
There was a classic moment in modern journalism last summer when the rioting kicked off in Minnesota following the death of George Floyd. As burnings literally burned behind him, flames soaring 50-100 feet in the air, CNN correspondent Ali Velshi was telling viewers that the protests were "mostly peaceful." Of course, that was nonsense; on a number of other networks whose correspondents aren't quiet as big of left-wing ideologues as they are at the Cable News Network, Americans could see that the protests weren't "protests" but full-blown riots. And in the end, hundreds of buildings in Minnesota lay in smoldering ruin, all owned by people and companies who had nothing to do with Floyd's death. Well, it's been a little more than a year, and CNN's fake news correspondents haven't learned anything, as we saw earlier this week. As Kabul was falling into the hands of the Taliban like the rest of Afghanistan earlier this week, a CNN correspondent told viewers that Afghans behind her who were literally chanting "Death to America" -- and mind you, Taliban and Afghan fighters had been killing Americans for 20 years by then -- are actually pretty "friendly" 'in real life.' Breitbart News noted: Monday on CNN’s “New Day,” network chief international correspondent Clarissa Ward delivered a report from the streets of Kabul, Afghanistan, after Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani reportedly fled the country upon the arrival of Taliban forces. Ward said it is “clear” the Taliban is now back in “charge” of Afghanistan. “As soon as we leave our compound, it’s clear who is now in charge,” Ward said in her report. “Taliban fighters have flooded the capital. Smiling and victorious, they took this city of 6 million people in a matter of hours — barely firing a shot. "This is a sight I honestly thought I would never see: scores of Taliban fighters, and just behind us, the U.S. embassy compound. Some carry American weapons. They tell us they’re here to maintain law and order," she added. Sure they were. They're Taliban; they were there to reimpose Islamic law and order, which is a whole other can of worms. Ward went on to translate an interview with a Taliban commander who laughingly told her that “everything is under control" and that America needs to “leave” Afghanistan (which we were in the process of doing). “‘Everything is under control. Everything will be fine," the commander said. "Nobody should worry,'” she reported. “What’s your message to America right now?” Ward asked of the commander. “‘America already spent enough time in Afghanistan,'” he said, according to the reporter. “‘They need to leave,’ he tells us. ‘They already lost lots of lives and lots of money.'” At that, CNN then played a clip of Taliban fighters holding rifles in the air and chanting. “They’re just chanting, ‘Death to America,’ but they seem friendly at the same time,” Ward said, without a hint of irony. “It’s utterly bizarre.” You could say that. Interestingly, these "friendly" Taliban obviously caused a dramatic shift in Ward's wardrobe. Here she is being interviewed by Stephen Colbert before the Taliban entered Kabul: Here she is reporting after the Taliban entered Kabul: For someone who isn't particularly worried about "friendly" Taliban, Ward sure became very 'dress code' conscience after the Taliban, known to be strict enforcers of Islam, blew into the city. The fact is, we may be witnessing the end of Joe Biden's fake presidency; it will be difficult, if not impossible, for him to recover from this absolute debacle that left-wing networks like CNN would really rather we didn't notice (like the "death to America" guys). Meantime, these fools will continue to tell their brain-dead viewers not to believe their lying eyes. Sources include: