That data, McCullough said, "is basically showing that the vaccines are failing." Vaccinated individuals can acquire and transmit the pandemic coronavirus and become and die of COVID-19. "Completely vaccinated individuals are passing it to one another," McCullough said.
Nonetheless, citing the new, circulating Delta variant, the Biden administration is expected to follow Israel’s example and introduce a third booster shot for all nursing home residents and healthcare workers for September. The vaccines were never tested for the Delta variant, and their protection has lasted only months. "It’s clear we can’t vaccinate our way out of this," McCullough said. COVID-19, no matter what the variant, is easily treatable at home with simple, available drugs, according to McCullough, who has stated that "about 88 percent of hospitalizations and deaths can be avoided" with early treatment. Since he came out publicly advising early treatment of COVID patients where the government protocol is to send them home and wait for them to get sick, McCullough has found himself targeted by public health institutions and academia. A graduate of Baylor University who worked as a Vice Chair of Internal Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center from January 2014 until February 2021, he recently addressed the Texas Senate Health and Human Service Committee about early COVID-19 treatment protocols. His contract was then cancelled, and he was recently sued by the Texas-based health system Baylor Scott & White after his affiliation with the system was noted during a public interview. The lawsuit coincides with a decision by BSWH to mandate vaccination for its 40,000 employees. "I’m deeply worried concerned regarding the future of America and also deeply afraid of loss of freedom of speech and of scientific discourse," McCullough said. "There are deep threats out there to doctors who are really doing their best—to help patients and save lives," he said He cited a July 29 statement from the Federation of State Medical Boards which threatens doctors who spread medical "misinformation" about vaccines with losing their medical license. The federation defines scientific information as "consensus-driven for the betterment of public health." McCullough openly criticized the "totalitarian" nature of vaccine mandates and pointed to government vaccine adverse event data noting that "already 11,221 declared disabled due to the vaccine." That number has since grown to 16,044. "These safety events are way out of line. This vaccine is nowhere close to be safe. Every person who takes the needle is thinking about the scoreboard." Instead, he said, "Americans are flying blind. They don’t know which vaccine is the safest." "Americans are given no information on this. It is basically impossible for them to navigate this vaccine decision. They say simply: ‘Take the vaccine, and it doesn’t matter which one.'" "None of this makes sense in terms of the program being about COVID-19; it almost seems like it’s about submissiveness, or coercion, or control. The population is basically being forced into mass vaccination." Read more at: and blows past “locked down” and threatens to “LOCK OUT” the unvaccinated from society
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Oregon firefighters, police officers sue Gov. Brown over covid vaccine mandate
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Israel’s covid plandemic czar tells citizens to prepare for upcoming FOURTH “booster” shot
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