Federal judge blocks Andrew Cuomo's covid vaccine mandate for New York health care workers
By ethanh // 2021-09-15
"Hesitant" New Yorkers who work in the medical field will not have to get vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) after all now that a federal judge has struck down the state's attempted mandate. A band of 17 health care workers in the Empire State joined up to sue the state over its unconstitutional decree, which came down from the now-expelled former state governor and sexual predator, Andrew Cuomo. In order to continue working in hospitals and long-term care facilities like nursing homes and adult care centers, those in the field were told by Cuomo that they must roll up their sleeves for an "Operation Warp Speed" vaccine or else lose their jobs. This was compounded by the state's attempted elimination of the religious exemption clause, which would have left medical necessity as the only option with which to refuse the jabs. Plaintiffs in the case, which include doctors, nurses, a medical technician and a physician's liaison, were all on the verge of being fired for just saying no when they decided to mount a legal case instead. Court documents reveal that the plaintiffs cited religious beliefs for their refusal to get a "vaccination with the available COVID-19 vaccines, all of which employ aborted fetus cell lines in their testing, development, or production." Mandating said shots violates the plaintiffs' sincerely held religious beliefs, which are protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. A judge agreed, striking down New York's attempted prohibition against using the religious exemption clause. "What New York is attempting to do is slam shut an escape hatch from an unconstitutional vaccine mandate," said attorney Christopher Ferrara, special counsel at the Thomas More Society, in a statement. "And they are doing this while knowing that many people have sincere religious objections to vaccines that were tested, developed, or produced with cell lines derived from aborted children."

You're a loser, Cuomo

Bill Clinton appointee Judge David Hurd of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York, granted a temporary restraining order on September 14. This means that the decision could later be reversed through other action. "The vaccine mandate is suspended," Hurd's order states, adding that the New York Department of Health "is barred from taking any action, disciplinary or otherwise, against the licensure, certification, residency, admitting privileges or other professional status or qualification of any of the plaintiffs on account of their seeking or having obtained a religious exemption from mandatory COVID-19 vaccination." News of the decision likely sent chills down Cuomo's spine as his covid vaccine mandate constitutes much of his legacy – that and thousands of elderly nursing home residents who were killed by his Chinese Virus policies. "Happy for this decision, but my God-given natural rights are not dependent on some random judge's decision," noted one commenter at The Epoch Times about how our rights do not come from government. "That this was even attempted is criminal, treason, EVIL." "Every person should have a choice what they put into their own bodies," wrote another. "And for those unborn and silent (unable to choose) the Constitution and the Bible are clear that no one interfere with their life. Such sinister individuals will come face to face with their Maker and it won't end well. In fact, their suffering will never end." Others reiterated that my body, my choice must always be the approach when it comes to vaccines or any other chemical that goes into the body and alters its function. The latest news about the government's efforts to force everyone to get injected for Wuhan Germs can be found at Fascism.news. Sources for this article include: TheEpochTimes.com NaturalNews.com