America becomes North Korea: Re-education camps announced by the CDC, grocery stores display cardboard food printouts to hide bare shelves while Biden babbles
By healthranger // 2021-10-26
If you're wondering whether America will plunge into a Venezuela-style financial collapse vs. a North Korea-style tyrannical authoritarian police state, it seems that the North Korea outcome is currently winning the race. The CDC -- Centers for Disease Creation -- is now demanding that unvaccinated police and government workers be "forcibly re-educated" reports NewsPunch. It sounds like something ripped right out a soviet-era brainwashing and indoctrination plot: CDC Director Rochelle Walensky declared that the Biden regime is planning to force unvaccinated police and government workers to take “counseling” and lessons so that they change their minds about taking the shots. “There is a plan, should these people not want to be vaccinated, towards education and counseling to get people the information they need so that they are feeling comfortable in getting vaccinated,” Walensky declared. So if you disagree with the idea of being injected with a deadly, experimental cocktail that has likely already killed at least 250,000 Americans (source: Dr. Zev Zelenko), you are somehow in dire need of mental help, according to the CDC. You are no longer allowed to have an informed, rational view based on available data. Your mental health will be challenged -- and "corrected" -- in order to conform to the delusions of the very State that's trying to exterminate you.

Grocery store shelves being "stocked" with cardboard posters depicting food products in order to cover bare shelves

One of the key characteristics of totalitarian regimes is the incessant effort to conceal the failures of their disastrous policies. As inflation grips the nation, they pretend there's no real inflation at all. As the supply chain collapses, they mock those who complain and tell you to "lower your expectations." And as grocery store shelves go bare, they go to tremendous lengths to create the illusion that shelves still contain an abundance of food, even if they have to print out food posters on cardboard on install the cardboard into the food bins where the actual food is supposed to be. The following photos show this already happening the US and UK: Gosh, the fake products even have price tags to make them more convincing: The only bins not half empty are the ones with fake printouts: And here's an example of "filling out" a shelf that would otherwise look empty if not for all the cans of chow mein being spread out: Making the fake food supply chain collapse scenario even worse, fake president Joe Biden is threatening to force truck drivers all across the country to take the covid death shots. According to The Epoch Times, nearly one-third of truckers might just quit rather than get jabbed. If you think the supply chain problems are bad right now, wait to see what happens if even a quarter of the current truck drivers throw in the towel. We're talking supply chain-a-geddon scenarios for years to come. Mass famine won't be far behind... Get full details on all this and much more in today's Situation Update podcast, which also features a comedy routine about the prosecution of Chinese bioware scientists called, "Hu's on first?" Get a new podcast each day (and amazing interviews) at: