Oops! Oregon government "accidentally" leaks vaccination status of 40,000 state employees
By ethanh // 2021-10-26
The vaccination status of more than 40,000 individual state employees in Oregon has been leaked to the media, supposedly by accident. Adam Crawford, the director of the Oregon Department of Administrative Services External Relations, was supposed to email out a generic datasheet showing vaccination rates and vaccine exemption rates for each executive branch state agency overseen by Gov. Kate Brown. Instead, Crawford "mistakenly" sent out every individual state employee's current vaccination status. "It's a mistake on my part," Crawford told The Oregonian / OregonLive, in a call. The Oregonian / OregonLive is one of the news outlets that received the file, which included details about each state employee's Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine verification, medical or religious exemption, or nothing if no information was ever submitted. This personal information must legally remain private under HIPAA rules, but Crawford apparently made an oopsie by blasting it to both The Oregonian / OregonLive and the Salem Statesman Journal. Ben Morris, a spokesman for the SEIU 503 union that represents Oregon state employees, said this release violates an agreement the union signed with the state back in September that requires the state to keep all individuals' vaccination information confidential. "More concerning is that one of the main things that we heard from members who were vaccine hesitant is they were concerned about their privacy in this situation," Morris explained. "This is a breach of trust at the worst possible time."

For being a place with so many anti-fascists, Oregon sure loves covid fascism

SEIU 503 is still considering how to respond to this little "accident," which was probably not an accident at all. Being one of the most covid rogue states in the country, Oregon is almost expected to do these kinds of things as punishment against the non-compliant. Those who are all-in on the plandemic – we like to call them "Branch Covidians" – have been brainwashed into treating anyone who is not all-in with disdain. It is an us-versus-them cult mindset that breeds the type of widespread fascism we are now seeing in places like Oregon. If the so-called "vaccines" really worked, there would be no need for the Branch Covidians who get them to freak out about others not getting them – unless, of course, this is all about control. For a place that has so many "anti-fascists" as residents, one would think that Oregon would be a place of Chinese Virus tolerance. Instead, the state appears to be trying to become a covid dictatorship where only the jabbed are allowed to live. The Oregonian / OregonLive says that it "will not publish the full dataset online, as it does with other state employee datasets such as salary information and public employee pensions." The news outlet did not say if it would publish the dataset in print. It did report online that the state agency with the lowest covid vaccine compliance rate is the Forestry Department at 65 percent. Seventy percent of Department of Corrections employees got the jab, while 74 percent of Oregon State Police got it. "The corrections department and state police agency granted some of the highest rates of religious exemptions – 19% and 14% respectively," the paper further reported. The Statesman Journal officially confirmed that it will not be publishing the spreadsheet, nor any of the data contained within it, "and has elected to delete the file." "According to the data, more than 90% of eligible employees in the state's executive branch are either fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or have received an approved religious or medical exception," reporter Connor Radnovich added. More of the latest news about Chinese Virus tyranny can be found at Fascism.news. Sources for this article include: OregonLive.com NaturalNews.com StatesmanJournal.com