Prepare for utter mayhem and carnage in US cities as over 120 locations in America's biggest city to be hit by DHS 'gas exercises' while critical infrastructure is dismantled
By newseditors // 2021-10-27
Over the past several years, we've published numerous stories on ANP about the full descent of America's big cities being transformed into homeless hellholes and crime ridden wastelands and believe it or not, as bad as things have been, things are about to take a huge turn for the worse. (Article by Stefan Stanford republished from As ABC News had reported in this October 16th story, there's great concern in Portland, Oregon that the city is turning into a gigantic dumpster fire after a crowd of 100 people wreaked havoc in downtown Portland, smashing storefront windows, lighting dumpsters on fire and causing at least $500,000 in damage, with no attempts being made to stop the carnage by the police. With Portland Police officials claiming that's because of legislation passed by Oregon lawmakers this year, which restricts the tools police can use to confront people vandalizing buildings and causing mayhem, what's happening now in Portland, and other US cities nationwide, is likely to explode in the coming weeks with law enforcement now leading the charge against the insane 'mandates', many being fired, setting us up for those cities being ripe for a crimewave reminding us of 'Escape from New York'. Even in Baltimore, Maryland, where Police Union Head Sgt Mike Mancuso has told officers not to disclose their vaccination status to anyone ahead of the city's mandate kicking in due to 'poor communication by the city of Baltimore about the policy' among other reasons, just looking at the story title's we've linked to below shows we're now witnessing a pattern all across the US of nothing less than the complete dismantling of our first responders and 'essential employees' work force, a collapse of America in our faces. From the Daily Mail"Lightfoot slams Chicago police union for trying to 'induce an insurrection' by telling cops to disobey COVID vaccine mandate while chief warns officers could LOSE retirement benefits if they quit rather than get jab" From NBC News"EMS services warn of 'crippling labor shortage' undermining 911 system: “We’re not bleeding any longer — we’re hemorrhaging,” one ambulance service operator said of a decade long worker shortage exacerbated by the pandemic" From DNYUZ"Across the U.S., clashes intensify between city officials and the police over vaccination issues" From the Western Journal: "'Rapidly Deteriorating Conditions': Portland Police Reveal Why No Arrests Were Made Despite $500,000 Riot" From the Daily Mail"Seattle police display 'Don't tread on me' Gadsden flags in protest over today's vaccine mandate deadline: Officials fear 300 officers could exit and make 'defund' exodus 'look like child's play'" (ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to renewed censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're now running an emergency fundraising drive to catch up on expenses. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
While USA Today recently did a 'fact check' story to report that many of the recent flight cancellations were NOT due to an 'organized walkout', the facts of the matter are, many pilots in 2021 America are former military members. And as we see in the thread posted above that we've re-published below, apparently many such 'essential employees' see exactly what is going on now in America and across the world. From my dad who is a pilot about the current situation with Southwest airlines: "I'm in the airline industry. Yesterday 668 Southwest Airlines flights had canceled by the time I went to bed. They are estimating 1,000-1,400 will be cancelled today. Want to know why? They told their pilots and flight attendants they had until November to get jabbed. So now they have to use all their banked vacation and personal time, or lose it. And off duty crew are not picking up trips to cover. Jacksonville ATC walked out too and Milwaukee ATC is expected to follow today. There is no weather. Southwest asked one of the pilots about it.  The answer I got was (paraphrasing): 80% of our pilots are ex- military. We see the tyranny that's happening. They're coming for essential workers first (nurses, doctors, firefighters, police, military, teachers and transportation workers) and they're coming the rest of America next. We're not doing it for us, we're doing it for America. We swore to defend the constitution against all enemies." With American cities now imploding before our very eyes as law enforcement members get out of dodge before taking a shot that is leading to the deaths and injuries of many more people than we're being told by the mainstream media, while all across the country, those who've long been in 'critical positions' in 'critical industries' are resigning or being fired, we see exactly in what's happening in our world today what that pilot/ex-military member warned of. And with all of these upstanding law enforcement officers, pilots, doctors, nurses and others who refuse to bow to tyranny and surrender their own bodies to a big pharma concoction they're pushing way to hard sure to be labeled as 'domestic terrorists' by the 'regime' in due time, we shouldn't be surprised that what's long called 'conspiracy theory' is a reality we have to confront now unfolding before our eyes before it become an eternal nightmare. From this NBC News story that gives us a glimpse of the vicious cycle unfolding. Read more at: