Mother claims Biden, Garland sent feds to school board meeting after she complained about pedo porn on curriculum
By newseditors // 2021-10-29
A mother of six in Virginia has claimed that parents at a school board meeting were surveilled by police and federal agents after she and others complained that their kids were being exposed to pornography and pedophilia on the school’s curriculum. (Article by Steve Watson republished from Stacy Langton posted images on Twitter showing unmarked cars along with a Department Of Homeland Security Vehicle and police cruisers. She also claimed that a helicopter was circling overhead shining a spotlight on parents before and after the board meeting. Ms Langton appeared on Fox & Friends Wednesday to discuss the development, noting that the feds showed up a day after her and other parents protested outside the Department of Justice in DC. “I have threats against my children by name, I have been followed in my car with my children, they have my vehicle, they know where I live, and I don’t know who’s putting somebody up to this, but it’s obviously meant to intimidate me,” said Langton. She added “I’m not getting a lot of sleep right now, nobody’s sleeping in my house because we can’t be sure that we’re safe.” Watch: A video of Langton defiantly speaking out against the porn books as school officials tried to shut her down went viral last month: In her interview Wednesday, Langton also noted “I understand Merrick Garland is actually testifying today at the Senate and he’s gonna talk about mobilizing the FBI against parents.” “Maybe he should mobilize the FBI into who’s threatening my family,” she urged. During that hearing, Senator Tom Cotton grilled Garland, demanding an explanation for the recent DOJ directive calling for the full force of the federal government to be deployed against American parents who are showing up to local school board meetings to express their concerns. The DOJ issued a memo on the subject after the National School Boards Association (NSBA) equated the angry parents to “domestic terrorists,” which it later apologized for. Other GOP representatives also eviscerated Garland. Ted Cruz (R-TX) grilled Garland on a range of issues, including his lack of apology over the DOJ memo: Cruz also highlighted a direct conflict of interest Garland has as regards to the teaching of critical race theory in schools: Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) also told the Attorney General, “You have weaponized the FBI and the Department of Justice, and I call on you to resign!”
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) accused AG Garland of engaging in communist tactics that put a chilling effect on parents wishing to speak out. “That is a poisonous, chilling effect,” Grassley said. “This kind of looks like something that would come out of a communist country.”
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