Continued prohibition in parts of U.S. fueling "narco-slaves" cartel operations in legal states
By ethanh // 2021-11-04
The devastating effects of prohibition are disturbingly evident in Oregon, which is reportedly being flooded with migrant workers who are sent there to labor on "illegal" cannabis sativa (marijuana) farms. Since many states and countries still forbid growing and using the medicinal plant, Oregon, where cannabis has been fully legal since 2012, has become something of a haven for growers who are looking to fill that supply gap. While many "red" states continue to dig their heels in against the natural herb, allowing only pharmaceuticals instead, Oregon continues to decriminalize things that come from the earth. Consequently, those looking to break into the burgeoning industry are flocking to Oregon to set up their grow operations. "We estimate that about 10,000 migrant workers have been brought to the county by bus and truck," claims Oregon state Rep. Lily Morgan, a Republican who seems to oppose cannabis. (RELATED: Check out these seven reasons why cannabis THC is good medicine.) "One day, they are in Southern California holding up a sign looking for work and the next day, they're dropped off in Oregon without identification or money, and they don't speak English." Sadly, the living conditions on some of these farms are squalid. One search warrant found nearly 300 migrant workers living inside a barn. There appeared to be no running water or other facilities, and the workers were fed only twice a day. "These people are narco-slaves," claims Josephine County Sheriff Dave Daniel. "They're afraid that the cartels will kill them or their families back home, so they don't talk."

Ending prohibition everywhere would end the cartels for good

If cannabis was legal everywhere, and people were allowed and even encouraged to grow their own just like other garden plants, the cartels would not even exist in the first place. Until that happens, this type of thing will continue to be a problem wherever botanical freedom is recognized. This is true of any substance or activity that the government tries to "ban," which immediately creates a black market and all the destructive elements that go with it. For some reason, Republicans are especially resistant to the facts on this subject. Their failed War on Drugs policies continue to fuel the black market and the cartels, as do similar policies in other countries like China and Russia that similarly prohibit growing and using this natural plant. Property in Oregon is now in such high demand due to cannabis freedom that prices are reportedly skyrocketing. Morgan also hilariously claims that home-grow operations are depleting the water table around her house. Sheriff Daniel is begging the IRS, the DEA and DHS to get involved "in a big way" to shut down the illicit grow operations, meaning those that have not received licenses from the state permitting them to function at an industrial level. Meanwhile, none of these people are concerned about the pharmaceutical drug cartels and what they have been doing to people for decades. How many millions of lives have been destroyed by the legal drug cartels as the nanny state focuses on persecuting people for growing plants? The hypocrisy is truly striking. Another Oregon Republican, Rep. Cliff Bentz, shares the same outrage as Sheriff Daniel and Rep. Morgan. He is demanding that the Justice Department intervene to shut down illegal grow operations in Oregon "and possibly other states." Another factor to consider as to why the cartels are still thriving is the onerous state taxes being imposed on legal cannabis, which in many cases make it prohibitively expensive, driving some people to continue purchasing it on the black market instead. To learn more about the health benefits of cannabis, be sure to check out Sources for this article include: