Drs. Stella Immanuel and Lee Merritt: Mass COVID-19 vaccination campaign proves we are in an EXTINCTION-LEVEL EVENT - Brighteon.TV
By arseniotoledo // 2021-11-12
Pediatrician and Christian pastor Dr. Stella Immanuel and orthopedic surgeon and health freedom advocate Dr. Lee Merritt believe that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination campaign aimed at children is a genocide campaign that will bring about an "extinction-level event." Immanuel and Merritt made these claims on Nov.10 on the former's Brighteon.TV program, "The Dr. Stella Immanuel Show." Merritt made it clear that the COVID-19 vaccine was not created in response to the coronavirus. She called this one of the most common lies perpetuated regarding the coronavirus. "Let's just be clear, this is not a vaccine in response to a virus. This was a virus, or a purported virus, [made] as an excuse to get a universal vaccine into every human on this planet," she said. "They're trying to kill billions of us. This is really at the level of human crisis. I mean, we're in an extinction-level event. And we can't let these guys pull it off." Immanuel and Merritt are concerned about how children as young as five are now being vaccinated. "Zero out of 17 FDA [Food and Drug Administration] advisors, these are civilian advisors, they go back and work at jobs around everybody in America – they refuse to stand up and prevent your children from being experimented on. I think that's what the people of America need to realize at this point." As of Wednesday, Nov. 10, about 900,000 children in America between the ages of five and 11 have already been vaccinated with the experimental and deadly COVID-19 vaccine. A White House official who made this announcement pointed out that the parents of 700,000 other children have already booked appointments for their kids to get vaccinated within the next few days. This means that by next week nearly six percent of all children in the United States between the ages of five and 11 could end up getting the dangerous vaccine.

Kids under five could be forced to get vaccinated early next year

In late September, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said that his company's COVID-19 vaccine trials for children between the ages of two and four could have results available "before the end of the year." Other doctors have also pointed out that Pfizer also has trials going on for children six months to two years old. (Related: Whistleblower: Pfizer vaccine trial data was falsified, participants who experienced adverse effects were ignored.) While there is no clear timetable for when doctors will start forcing parents to get their toddlers vaccinated against COVID-19, doctors believe it will happen by early next year at the latest. "I would expect – don't hold me to it but – perhaps early next year, maybe in that first quarter, we may have vaccines available for those two- to four-year-olds," said Chicago Department of Public Health Commissioner Dr. Allison Arwady. "But we don't know that for sure. The focus right now is five- to 11-year-olds, but I do anticipate … that we will see it available for younger children, but probably not until 2022, most likely." Despite the mass vaccination campaign and the proliferation of the COVID-19 vaccines in America, Immanuel and Merritt are still hopeful. They believe more and more people are starting to wake up to reality. "It's time for people to wake up," said Merritt. "We're going to have to wake up now. We got to wake up enough people. I honestly feel like something has turned." "Yeah, I believe a lot of people are waking up," said Immanuel. "People are waking up because they've moved the goalposts so many times that, I mean, people have to wake up, you know? … I tell people all the time. I say, 'Coronavirus is just a Trojan horse for gene therapy and mind control." Drs. Stella Immanuel and Lee Merritt have a lot more to say regarding the COVID-19 vaccines. Watch the Nov. 10 episode of "The Dr. Stella Immanuel Show" here: "The Dr. Stella Immanuel Show" airs every Wednesday at 5-6 p.m. on Brighteon.TV. Learn more about how the COVID-19 vaccine is being used as a tool for exterminating humanity at Depopulation.news. Sources include: Brighteon.com NPR.org TheAtlantic.com Parade.com NBCChicago.com