Dave Racer touches on the Build Back Better Act's questionable provisions – Brighteon.TV
By ramontomeydw // 2021-11-24
America's civics teacher Dave Racer touched on two questionable provisions in President Joe Biden's Build Back Better Act. Human Life Alliance (HLA) marketing and development coordinator Melissa "Missy" Giles joined Racer on the Nov. 19 edition of his program "America Teacher Civics" on Brighteon.TV. The Catholic News Agency reported that the House of Representatives passed the Build Back Better Act on Nov. 19. Lawmakers at the lower chamber voted 220-213 in favor of the bill that allocates almost $2 trillion for different programs, including childcare and climate change. However, Catholic and pro-life groups have expressed concerns that the law's provisions could negatively impact the unborn. They point to the absence of the Hyde and Helms amendments, which restrict the use of tax dollars for elective abortions in both the U.S. and overseas. The two amendments have been included in budgetary bills since the 1970s. Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of pro-life political group Susan B. Anthony List, said in a statement that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and her allies "are sneakily working to force Americans to be complicit in abortion on demand up to birth – every which way they can." Dannenfelser even pointed to the California lawmaker touting that the Hyde and Helms amendments are simply "not in the bill." Giles confirmed this during her appearance on Racer's Brighteon.TV show. "This is a huge spending bill – but the Hyde Amendment is not included in it. It's completely allowing for taxpayers to unknowingly be funding abortions. That [is] a huge thing that we're concerned about in the pro-life world and the abortion realm."(Related: Biden regime to funnel huge taxpayer dollars into baby murdering factories across America.) The HLA officer added that ever since the Hyde Amendment was included in budget bills, it has saved the lives of almost three million babies. "That has been something that we've held on to for a long time, the federal government not funding abortion," Racer said in response to his guest.

Catholic bishops express concerns over pro-abortion and assisted suicide provisions

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) also expressed concern over the Build Back Better Act's pro-abortion provisions. Six of the conference's bishops wrote in a Nov. 3 letter that the questionable sections in the act must be remedied at the soonest. "It is completely unacceptable that the current House version of the Build Back Better Act expands taxpayer funding of abortion. No proposal to support individuals needing affordable health care coverage should compel Americans to pay for the destruction of human life through their tax dollars. This fundamental problem of expanded taxpayer funding of abortion in the Build Back Better Act must be remedied before the bill moves forward," the bishops wrote. They added: "Furthermore, while we are pleased to see the addition of funding for training of health professionals in palliative medicine and hospice care, we strongly urge the addition of language to ensure that this funding cannot be used for training or promotion of assisted suicide or euthanasia." Giles elaborated on these end-of-life provisions in the act: "They've put in some new sections on hospice and palliative care. [However], sneakily put in there is a whole thing on federal training and more funding … to train people on assisted suicide. This is extremely scary because who knows what kind of power someone can have when they're trained to assist someone in suicide. "It sounds like 'That's great, we're learning how to take care of people who are [at] the end of life,' but that's just not how it is at all. They are training them to end [patients' lives] because they have perceived that they no longer have any utility to offer or they're just taking up space. "For the interest of money, it's easier to just have the changeover of beds within a hospital or a hospice care center than to do long-term care for them. It's just very pernicious as most evil things are. It's very sneaky; it's put in there to seem like it's a pretty package." (Related: Assisted suicide in Canada has created a glut of organ donations.) Giles pointed out that people must "read between the lines" when it comes to provisions as the way they are framed and discussed are meant to deliberately mislead people. "If you're not versed in the knowledge of it, you would think 'Oh, this is great, this is gonna help people,'" she said. "You have 220 Democrats in the House [and] they can only stand to lose three. If they lose three votes, they can't pass anything because Republicans won't help them with this, especially with this one. And so, they had to force in some of the more radical pieces," Racer commented. "That's the nature of legislation. People who follow it carefully – especially experts like those [in] the pro-life movement – could see the effects of law changes. It isn't so much what the word says it is, [but what] could happen down the road." Watch the full Nov. 19 episode of "America Teacher Civics" with Dave Racer featuring Missy Giles at the video below. "America Teacher Civics" with Dave Racer airs every Friday at 4-5 p.m. on Brighteon.TV. Sources include: Brighteon.com CatholicNewsAgency.com USCCB.org [PDF]